Chapter 5

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That was the last straw. He uses his nen to push me into the wall behind me and everything goes black.

[ T I M E S K I P ]

That was two years ago.

Machi told me I was out for two days after that. I was honestly shocked that my own brother would do that to me. I idolized Killua. I would've died for him... but would he do it for me? Why did he come back for Alluka and not me too? Whatever. I don't need him anyways. I don't need any of the Zoldycks. I've found people who care about me.

Today is my 14th birthday. Aniko and I are supposed to have lunch at a restaurant not too far from where we live.

I moved in with Aniko a few months ago. She had only just turned 18 when she got a house in Yorknew and invited me to live with her. I've learned a lot more about her since then. She's like an older sister to me.

Aniko got me some new origami paper for my birthday. I was in the middle of making a frog when I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in.''

Aniko opens the door. She's wearing a black hoodie and black ripped jeans.

"Have you seen my straighteners? I swear I put them on the kitchen table." Aniko says.

"No, I haven't. We still have an hour left until we leave so why are you worrying about your hair right now?" I ask.

"Because when you have hair like mine, it takes a long time to straighten completely."

"I doubt it takes a whole hour to straighten your hair." I say.

"It does!"

"But why do you straighten it? It's really nice curly." I say.

"It's a pain in the ass." She says.

"Okay, whatever you say." I reply.

She leaves my room.

"Shut the door!"

"But I just sat down!"

I groan as I get up from my bed and slam the door.

"Oh! I found the straighteners!"

I shake my head and continue making the frog.


About an hour later, Aniko knocks on my door again.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. Just brushing my hair, I'll be two minutes!"

I finish brushing my hair and walk out of my room.

Aniko's sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

"I'm ready."

"Good. Let's get going then." She says, sitting the newspaper down and grabbing her keys.

"I didn't think you read the newspaper."

"I don't." She answers. "I saw that white haired boy on it and I was curious."

"Oh. Why was he in the newspaper?" I ask.

"Something to do with some Gon boy, I was just skimming the article."


The walk to the restaurant was silent. A comfortable silence though. When we arrived there, we sat at a table outside.

The waitress walks over to our table.

"Hello! Are you ready to order?" She asks.

Aniko goes first.

"Uhh yeah. Can I have the strawberry and vanilla bubble tea and the cheesy nachos please?" She says.

"Of course!" The waitress turns to me. "And you?"

"Can I have an iced coffee and some lentil soup?"

"Would you like bread with your soup?" She asks.

"Yes please."

"Great! I'll have that out to you as soon as possible."

As the waitress walks away I turn to Aniko.

"What are we having for dinner?" I ask.

"Kalluto, we just ordered lunch. We dont need to think about dinner for another couple of hours." She says.

"I know but I want to be prepared." I say.

Aniko laughs.

"Prepared for what? In case it attacks you?"

"Well no but-"

"Heres your food! I hope you enjoy!"

The waitress placed our food down on the table before walking away.

"Holy shit that was quick." I say.

Aniko takes a bite of her food.

"Holy shit indeed. These nachos are amazing."

I laugh to myself. Aniko is the only person that I care about anymore. It makes me really happy when she's having fun.


We arrive home. After the restaurant we went to the aquarium and the museum.

Aniko goes into her room to change and I sit on the couch. I see the newspaper on the other end and pick it up. Killua and that green haired boy were on the front cover.

I turned to the page that the article was on and read it.


I scoffed at the title.

Gon Freecss was seen with a white haired male last week. The two were spotted at 'Sakura's Smoothies' at around 2pm in Yorknew City and were apparently very close with eachother.

I stopped reading after that. Killua was in Yorknew.

Whatever. Its not like I care.

I threw the newspaper in the trash just as Aniko left her room.

We watched both of the 47 meters down movies and then called it a night.

When I went back to my room, I changed and decided to play on my computer for a bit. I couldnt sleep. My head was full of questions like 'Why was Killua in Yorknew?' and 'I'm starting school next week, am I going to fit in?'

I stood up and put some shoes on. I'm going for a walk.


It's cold outside. I should've put a jacket on. I walked by the restaurant that Aniko and I were at, I walked by Sakura's Smoothies. I dont think I'll be able to go there for a while without thinking of Killua. Such a shame. I really liked the smoothies from there.

I walked by the middle school, the place where I'll be going next week. I personally think it's pointless since I'll only be going there for a year but Aniko says its 'important'. I rolled my eyes. I'm already smart. I hope I make friends though. I shake my head. I dont need to worry about school. School should worry about me.

I turn on my heel and start walking home.

I when I'm home, I take off my shoes and head to bed. Tomorrow will be a good day.

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