Chapter 16

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TW: Mentions of SA, alcoholism, bullying, murder and child abuse. I'll mark the sections with **** so you can skip them if you wish to.

"We have new students!" Koharu exclaims.

"Yeah?" I ask.

Hiroshi and I were waiting outside of the school for the rest of the group, as usual.

"Yeah! We spoke to them while we were walking here. They said they were starting here today." Kenji says, looking around to see if he can spot them.

"That's cool! What are their names?" Hiroshi asks.

"I didn't get their names. We can wait out here and talk to them though!" Koharu says.

Hiroshi and I nod and watch as Tatsuya and Shiro walk over to us.

"We have new students!" Koharu yells, dragging them over when she saw them.

"That's cool." Shiro says, yawning.

"In our year? It's rather unusual to join after the summer." Tatsuya says.

I clear my throat and his eyes widen.

"Oh! Sorry Kallu, I didn't mean it like that." He exclaims, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kenji stands beside me, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Anyways, what are th-" He us cut off by Koharu yelling to three figures not too far away from us.

"Hey, new students! Come over here!"

"I really don't think you should talk to them like that." Shiro says, rubbing his eyes.

"Rough night?" I ask.

"Yeah," He nods. "My neighbors dog was home alone and wouldn't stop barking."

Tatsuya pats him on the back as the three new students walk over to us.

"Hey! You're the girl from earlier!" The tallest of the three exclaims.

Koharu nods excitedly.

"We didn't get your names! I'm Koharu," she starts, then grabs Kenji's other arm."and this is my cousin, Kenji!"

"Well, I'm Asuna!" The tall one exclaims. "This is my twin Ren and our little sister, Yumeko."

I take a good look at Asuna. She's tall with long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. She's wearing a white crop top and blue jeans with white converse. Her twin, Ren, has messy red hair that covers their eyes and is wearing a navy blue hoodie, black ripped jeans and black converse. They have a lollipop in their mouth. Yumeko is wearing a red turtleneck, with black tights, a black skirt and black doc martens.

"It's nice to meet you!" Koharu says.

"You not gonna introduce us?" Tatsuya asks.

"Oh! Sorry!" Koharu says, pointing to him. "That's Tatsuya and the boy next to him is Shiro. The blonde boy is Hiroshi, he and Shiro are dating. The boy with Kenji is Kalluto."

"It's lovely to meet you all!" Asuna says, smiling.

"Where's your homeroom?" Tatsuya asks. "Ours is rather small so I'm assuming you'll be in ours."

"Oh, I don't remember." Asuna says, taking off her bag to get out her timetable.

"Room B.205." Ren says, looking up from their phone. I can't quite tell if they're a boy or a girl.

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