Chapter 7

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"Hey Kallu!"

Tatsuya sits down beside me.

"Hey Tatsu. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?" He asks.

"I'm alright. A bit tired though."

"Rough night?"

I nod.

A girl walks up to our desk.

"You're the new kid, right?" She asks.

I nod.

She grins and sits down at the desk in front of mine.

"I'm Koharu! It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Kalluto." I say.

She smiles at me.

"Hey Koharu, how come you weren't in yesterday?" I hear Tatsuya ask.

"I had the flu. I can't believe I missed the first day of school!"

I tilt my head slightly. Why would she want to be in on the first day of school? It's a nightmare having to get up early after sleeping in all summer.

The bell rings, telling us that homeroom has started but the teacher is nowhere to be seen.

"The teacher's late." I say.

"What teacher do we have for homeroom?" Koharu asks.

"Mrs James." Tatsuya says.

"The American teacher? I hate her. She's so moody! I will cry if I have her for English." She says.

"Makes sense. I don't know much about her but she's definitely not one of my favourites."


Koharu looks between us.

"You two seem to have a lot in common." She says.

"Yeah! I found out Kallu likes smoothies too. Yesterday we-"

He was cut off by the teacher entering the room. She sits down at her desk and starts taking attendance.


"Hey Kallu?"


"Wanna sneak out for lunch?"

I look up at Tatsuya.


"Do you wanna sneak out for lunch? My sister showed me a way out." He says.

"Is that even allowed?" I ask.

"Nope! C'mon, I'll show you."

He takes me to the edge of the schools football field. There is a hole in the fence surrounding the school, just big enough so that a person can fit through.

"Well?" He asks.

"Sure. Anywhere you would recommend?"

"Yeah! There's this restaurant near my house. Their food is amazing!"

I nod and crawl through the hole, untangling my hair from where it got caught.

We start walking down the street, seeing people from the local high school as we walk.

"Are they allowed out?" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't get why they're allowed but we aren't."


We continue chatting until we reach the restaurant Tatsuya was talking about.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks.

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