+:。.。where they like to kiss you。.。:+

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a/n: I swear if anyone says I'm sexualizing the minors or anyone else I will punt you so far into the fucking sun,, I've said this before and I say it again I will never sexualize anyone EVER‼️ ok good day and enjoy this chapter!

Kissing places will include -

Lips, cheeks, hands, forehand, neck, top of head, side of head, shoulders, nose

- i feel like he would go for the lips but be a fucking pussy and kiss your nose

- either way you still get a kiss so your not complaining

- cheeks for sure

- he finds it endearing so like why not

- despite all of the preferences i've read saying he would kiss your neck or some shit

- i feel like he would kiss your forehead

- but if he feels confident or some shit he would definitely go for the neck💀

- shoulders.

- hands because

- awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3

- nose

- it just makes sense yk

- anywhere!

- she just wants to kiss you tbh

- and you also want to kiss her so it don't matter to you either

- top of head

- idk i don't have a reason

- but it feels right

- because tommy is a man

- i feel like he would be traditional with this

- so lips

- but like not in a weird way 🧍🏻‍♀️

- the side of head for sure

- idk,, again it just feel right yk
- it's also sweet so

- hands.
- yep that's all your getting

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