Sapnap - late discord nights

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A/n: this may be based on what happened to me and some fucking asshole from my class. I need to write my feelings out cause that's how I cope with things in my life, I hate him more than anything rn and I need to write it out. Also no hate to sapnap he is a lovely guy and I love him very much <3

'Hello = thoughts ' 'What's up = the writing'
‼️Tw: panic attack and overthinking‼️

Y/N pov:

It all started when your friends didn't show up. You sat there by yourself at the mall all on your own. That was it, that was their final straw. ughhhh I've had it with them, I'm so dropping them all I don't care anymore I HATE THEM I HAT- oof....ow what the fuck "I'm so sorry miss I did not mean to bump into you I was not looking I'm so sor-" "huh no that's ok I wasn't looking either so don't worry" "are you sure?" "yes I'm sure don't worry- wait I'm sorry aren't you sapnap?!?" "oh um yes I am haha how are you"

After 3 or 4 I honestly don't remember but after a while, sapnap and I have really hit it off, we love the same shows and animes, we both love playing Minecraft, we both love Marvel movies, and we both love the colour purple. The only thing we don't have in common is our music taste, he likes contrary music and I, well I hate it. But that wasn't a problem, not in the slightest. We both didn't want to leave, but we had to, the mall was about to close.

"Hey so I really enjoyed talking to you today, I was wondering if I could get your discord? my heart was racing, why did I ask that what if he says no what if he doesn't like me like that, of course, he doesn't no shit fuck "yeah sure, I was just about to ask you that" oh thank god, god I really owe you one.

As I hand him my phone my hand glides against his hands that are so much bigger than mine, in fact, he is so much taller than me how have I not noticed this before? He gives me back my phone and again my hand touches his ever so lightly. "k I should head home but we can talk as soon as we both get home, that is if you're free, you're free later right?" "yea I am don't worry we can talk"

I get home and feed my cats and take a long hot shower thinking about what just happened i wonder if he likes me. I think he does. why else would he look at me the way he does. why would that lady call us a cute couple? do I like him like that? A million thoughts in my head, all at the same time too. Before I could even think about this more, I've seen to have already been changed into some pj's. "hi bubs do you two want to sleep with mommy today" my 2 cats look at me as if I've gone crazy, to be fair who doesn't baby talk to their pets.




hey! how are you


better now that I'm talking to you


wow cheesy  are we now



yk you love me


do I?

yea I do

this went on for a while, the content flirting. back and forth. SHIT, I WORK TOMORROW. I quickly tell sapnap I have to go to bed seeing as it's already 12 am and I have to get up at 5.


whattt??? noooo stay up, please

ill do anything

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