tubbo - the powers out

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a/n: uhhhh idk...enjoy,, also I'm not sexualizing him,, if you say I am I will break your fucking kneecaps 😋🥰🤪. also I'm going to be using 'toby',, I don't see the harm in using it but if it's crossing any boundaries please tell me right away!!

y/ns pov
"TOBY WHAT THE FUCK, OF COURSE, WE ARE SLEEPING ON THE SAME BED MY ROOM IS TO SMALL TO PUT AN AIR MATTRESS IN", you see the two love birds are currently settling in since Toby and y/n will be having a sleepover. Are they dating yes, yes they are. are they probably a little too old to be having a sleepover, yes. Are they having one anyways, well no duh(so yes). back to what's happening, Toby was saying how he didn't mind sleeping on the floor because he thought you'd be more comfortable that way. But you've also been dating for a while so you don't mind. "ughhh fine, are you sure you're comfortable with me sleeping on the same bed as you?"

"love of course I am, we've been dating for a little over a year now, it's fine, plus it's not like we are doing anything..gross" Toby now with a blush covering his face quickly looks away from you because that wasn't even his concern. "yes I agree but that wasn't what I was talking about, I'm not sure if I'll move too much or if I will accidentally push you off the bed or something" "Toby I know for a fact you wouldn't do that, and even if you did I know that it would be an accident"

"hmmm ok..ok fine, we can sleep on the same bed," the tired teenage boy says giving up trying to fighting with his partner, knowing they would win in the end anyways.

"yayyy!! Ok well, it's getting dark wanna watch a scary movie!" all of a sudden the very scared boy starts violently shaking his head no. "what! no you know I hate scary movies, how about we watch Luca, we haven't watched it yet and ranboo said we should watch it...but he also said he cried at the end so we can see how that goes"

"whattt, nooooo I don't want to right now plus I told Tommy and wil that the four of us will watch it together remember and not only that but it's almost Halloween!! so I'm in a spooky mood right now!"

"uhh well will watching a scary movie make you happy?" as his partner thinks for a little while, they soon nod their head 'yes' implying that it would make them very happy. "hmmm ok..fine we can watch a scary movie, but nothing too scary, I want to be able to sleep tonight"

"Really!? omg ok yes uhmmm ok uhh I love you, thank you!! I'll be right back!" seeing his partner happy made him really happy. But he also wasn't too happy knowing he will most likely not be able to sleep tonight considering his partner loves scary movies and will probably put on the scariest one they know.

"haha ok I'm back and I got snacks!! also, I know what movie we are watching, don't worry it's not too scary even my nieces loved this one!"

"ok, what's it called I might have heard of it from Ranboo or like Tommy or something" "oh it's called 'Us' it's really good I promise you'll like it" Toby stared at them for a moment remembering that Tommy has told him about that movie before and then proceeded to get comfortable in their bed expecting to be able to sleep after the movie finished.

*time skip to the end of the movie because I'm lazy :)*

tubbos pov
"oh god, I hated that" "oh come on Toby it was too bad" expanding the word 'too' trying to prove their point. "ughh fine it was creepy but I guess it was goo- huh" the two teens never noticed that it was raining outside as they watched the movie and Toby was shocked considering it was supposed to be a clear night. "oh my it's raining really hard right now, do you think they'll be a storm tonight..uhmm well right now I guess since it is almost 12"

"yeah I just checked the weather forecast and there is a warning for a thunderstorm" "oh." in the year and a half the two teenagers have been dating, Toby has never noticed that their partner hates thunderstorms because they didn't like the loud sounds.

"Ok we should probably go to sleep now, uhhhhh wanna uhh cuddle..it's ok if you dont want to i was just aski-" "huh, oh yea sure you don't have to ask every time plus I like cuddling with you, well it's also not like i cuddle with anyone else" as you were getting comfortable they was a loud boom in the sky. You jumped and hugged Toby out of fright "omg are you ok, whats wrong"

"uhmm so I never mentioned that I hate thunderstorms, because as you know i don't like loud sounds" "ooooo right i forgot about that i'm sorry but you're safe inside anyways plus you have me to protect you" "hmm thank you"

y/ns pov

you were a little curious too see what was happening outside, but you regretted trying to take a look out your window as soon as you stood up. The lights went out as soon as you stood up making you panic, you starting to hyperventilate and walk back from your window. "hey hey hey you're ok, it's fine, look at me" Toby quickly took action and stood up very quickly to help you. "you're ok look you're with me in your room and look it's your cat" "i- i'm ok now i just freaked out sorry for worrying you i'm fine i promise"

"no problem i'm your boyfriend anyways i'd love to help you anytime anywhere, but are you sure you're ok i don't want you lying to me just to make yourself seem strong, you know it's ok to have feeling right?" "yes I know that, don't be stupid i was just saying i'm fine i just panicked i promise i'm fine though"

no ones pov

quickly making your way back to bed you both ended the night just cuddling until he noticed that you fell asleep very quickly. "hmm good night darling, i hope you sleep well" and with that he fell asleep almost right away remembering when you two first meet and how crazy both of your lives have been since that day.

a/n: ok down my first one shot! normally i don't like writing these but i came up with the idea when i watch one of those 'reverse icks' on tiktok and mixing it with what happen to me like a few days ago. the power went out where i live and i also hyperventilate and like backed way from the window but like without tubbo saying all those nice words yk 🥲

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