Tommy - face reveal

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A/n: Ok it's been too long. I have to write about him again. I'm sorry you guys but I have too many ideas. Ok so this one is kinda a mix of a dream I had and a recent YouTube video from his channel. Also y/n and tommy will already be dating but chat doesn't knows(yet!). I hope you like it!! Also this is gonna be shorter than my usual ones!

Also side note - In my dream tommy and I for some reason were married and had a kid, BUT the kid was mentioned once and I didn't even get to see it. But the weird part is a few nights after that dream I had a dream that I had a baby girl and her name was rose and guys she was the cutest little thing ever I love her sm and literality miss her sm 😭. I kinda want a kid now 😭😭


Y/n's pov

"Hey thanks for inviting me to your show" I ran into my boyfriend as him and all of our friends were running around getting last minutes things ready for his show that he is doing in a few minutes. "Yeah no problem, you know I want you here and because of the surprise we have. You sure you wanna do this?" the thing he is referring to is the fact that the 'surprise' is me face revealing to everyone tonight and also telling everyone that isn't our friend that we are dating. "Yes 100%, I'm just nervous", Tom pulls me into a hug and tells me I shouldn't worry and that everyone is going to love me no matter what. "Thank you, I really needed that." He leans down to give me a quick kiss before leaving since he is on in 5 minutes.

After a while of watching Tom and all of our friends do funny bits on stage and silly little comments it's finally time to go on stage. Thankfully I got ready a few minutes before, I had a huge neon green hoodie and some jeans.

Tom: "Hey are you ready?"

Y/n: "Nope but it's a little too late to back out"

Tom: "They're gonna love you, stop overthinking it so much"

Y/n: "Yeah I know"

Tom: "Ok that's your cue, I believe in you"

Y/n: "Thanks, love you"

Tom: "Love you more"

I quickly put on the iconic 'dream mask' and jog a little to the stage while the speakers are blasting in my ear with dreams voice. "What is up everyone!" I do my best to do the movements we practice earlier so it can some what match with dream's voice and what he's saying. "I'm gonna be finally face revealing right here, right now" I started getting nervous but then I just think about how many people here are fans of me too. "I'm actually very nervous. Okay are you ready?" Oh shit, can't back out now. This is real. "Three, two, one"

I pull of the mask and smile for the hundreds of people in front of me right now. I can tell everyone is a tad confused to why there is a random teenager on stage. Before I got on stage I was given a mic so everyone can hear me for when I speak. "Hey! how's everyone doing!?" Everyone screams, saying 'hi' and 'OMG' and a bunch of sweet comments after hearing that it's me. "So dream sadly couldn't make it which is the real reason why he didn't face reveal today." By now everyone has calmed down and people can actually hear me now. I talk a little about how Tom was so sweet for giving me the spotlight for a little bit and how thankful I am for being his 'friend'

"Hey we aren't friends!" Now that was his cue to came on stage so we can finally tell others about our relationship.

Y/n: "What do you mean Tom? Are we something else then??"

Some people were lucky enough to have guessed what we are gonna say, but most of the audience still doesn't understand

Tommy: "Did you forget. Your my partner!"

Y/n: "Nope I didn't forget! You just made me do this bit to tell them about our relationship"

Tommy: "Right! Anyways guys the point is that I am taken by the Lovely.Y/n" (<- ur user)

(if you identify as a girl then he would've said "Taken by a women!")

And with that you two kiss and everyone freaks out. After that whole thing you go back. Everyone is telling you how proud they are for being so brave since everyone knew you were scared of going on stage since that was your first time since you started streaming. "Hey Y/n!" You turn only to find Tom walking up to you with a water bottle is his hands. He then hands it to you since he knows that you would love some water after that. "Thanks Tom, you think I did ok?" He was a little shocked and very confused with what you just asked. "Of course! They loved you, but not as much as I love you" You smile and go on your tippy toes to kiss him, to be fair you weren't short short. He was just very tall.

Tom runs off again to finish the rest of his show with everyone. While you wait for your cue to be called to stage, you talk with Bill and Freddie. "No what about 10k, would you do it for 10k," The choice of topic was trying to get Freddie to sing Gangnam style instead of the Muppet song we are supposed to sing in a few minutes. "No I'm not gonna sing Gangnam style, no matter how rich you are trying to tell me you are." Fred was right, but to be fair I too would offer all my money just to see him sing Gangnam style. A few minutes go by and we are called on the stage to sing 'Life's a happy song' and not Gangnam style since Fred would not take Bill, Seán, or even my money.

We finish the show and after I take some pictures with a few fans for the first time, we all went home to have a good night's sleep. We get to his apartment and say good night to Rue and Ash. We both finish getting ready for bed and lay down for the first time all day. "I just want to thank you again for letting me steal you spotlight for a bit," It has been a long day, especially for Tom. So all he does is kiss the top of my head and whisper 'your welcome'. With that I whisper back.

Y/n: "Goodnight, I love you"

Tom: "Love you most"

A/n: That took me an hour and a half to write and not a whole week!! I truly love writing about him that I might make a book specifically for Tommy!! Tell me what you guys think and I might do it. Ok that's all for on my loves!! Have a great morning/night!! Remember to drink some water and eat some food!! Love you all!! <33333

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