Tommy - Can I write about you?

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So this may or may not be my English homework but I felt like turning it into a chapter so, I also have a Ranboo one-shot coming out very soon hopefully!!


no ones pov

As you sat in your class you wish you could be anywhere else but here. Now normally you would love to be in English class but today everyone has been getting on your nerves and you normally love to write but you've recently had writer's block so you didn't want to be in English class today, any other day would've been fine. Just not today. "Ok, class today you will start writing a Profile writing for someone you love or just want to describe! A Profile basically means you'll be describing the person you have or are going to choose". Great now I will have to see who I'm going to write about. I look through my phone to look for people to write about. I didn't realize that the bell had just rung. I pack my things up and walk out to meet my friend Tommy. "Hey y/n" I smile as I walk closer and hug him like we always do. "hey tom, wanna go find a spot to go eat?" He agreed and took me to sit outside, it was kinda chilly outside so he gave me he's jumper that was way too big for me.

Y/ns pov

"So can I write about you?" sitting there I thought I said something wrong as in I just ruined any chances of me being with him. Because yes you read that right, I, y/n, have a little crush on my friend of 4 years, Tommy. Ok maybe not a little crush, I definitely had a HUGE crush on him,  but the only thing stopping me is what stops most people, wondering if the other person likes them back.

"Sure, what for though? not that I mind but for what exactly" I didn't want to tell him why but I already asked him so there is no point in lying when I know that when I finish the paper I will be showing him. "Oh uhh, it's for English class. You have to write about someone you either love or someone you want to describe, and I choose you so....yay.."

After a class and a half, I finally finish my profile on Tommy.

This is what I wrote

Who is Tom Simons?

Tom Simons, also known as Tommy by his friends, is a 17-year-old boy that lives a simple life in Brighton, London in the UK. Tommy tends to be very chaotic whenever he is around any of his friends, he is loud, never stops talking, could laugh at anything you show him, and can be super hyper with little to no sugar in his system. Though Tommy seems to be very energetic with or without his friends he could also be calm and awkward when around people he is comfortable with. For instance, when he was with a group of really close friends he only spoke when he found a topic he was passionate about. He may be an only child but he has made many friends to help him not feel lonely, one of them being me.

Tommy is at least 6'3 and growing with every passing day. He's a very tall and thin person and if you were strong enough you could pick him up. Having blue eyes coloured like the Atlantic ocean that change colour depending on the shirt he is wearing. He is the type of person to dress as comfortably as possible and yet still look stylish. Though that has never been the case, he used to wear the same red and white baseball t-shirt with beige-coloured cargo shorts. Thankfully one of his friends has had a big influence on him and his fashion sense, so now Tom has been able to look put together when out with his friends or family. Though having a better sense of fashion now, he still likes to wear hoodies or 'jumpers' as he calls them and old jeans, no matter the season it is he still wears his favourite navy blue jumper that has the words "Sunday Club" across the middle with the word "Sunday" being a light green and "Club" being an egg-shell white sort of colour. One of my favourite things about him though is his golden blonde hair that shines in the sun and always looks magical whenever it's golden hour, and his somewhat curly and very messy depending on if he woke up early enough to fix it.

One of the ways Tommy likes to calm down whenever he is too stressed or has too much going on, is by playing one of his favourite games of all time, Minecraft. If he could, he would play it for hours without having a single thought in his mind, forgetting all of his problems even if it was just for a minute. One of the main reasons he loves to play is because he grew up playing the game with his school friends and some of his cousins. Other than growing up with the game he made a lot of friends while playing online with other people, he's even managed to make friends all over the world. Though singing and playing instruments are not one of the things he talks about very often he does amaze people whenever he sings or plays the piano thanks to his mom signing him up for classes when he was between the ages of 8 or 10. To this day he still thanks his mom for signing him up for lessons, otherwise he wouldn't be able to show off whenever he sees a piano outside or in a mall.

One of his friends, Will, once invited us to go to the carnival while they were visiting Canada. We ended up meeting up with another friend, Phil, and we all just walked around and hopped on some rides. As we were looking at a little candy shop, Tommy spotted some cotton candy but Phil, being deemed the dad of the group, didn't allow Tommy to get any of the candy. Will of course felt a little bad so while we weren't looking he bought 10 containers full of cotton candy just for him. Tommy, still being a child at heart, got all excited and jumped up and down thanking Will for them and proceeded to sit at the nearest bench and ate 2 full containers, regardless of it hurting him later.

When meeting him I did not see him being a dog person but after seeing Betty and Walter, his two greyhounds, completely changed my opinion. Having two dogs is also a lot of responsibility which he clearly has, but on top of that, he edits for a few YouTubers out there. When he told me the news that he would be editing YouTuber's videos I was so surprised. He has always loved to edit things ever since his dad got him a PC for his 13th birthday. Tommy found some of his favourite YouTubers asking for people to edit their YouTube videos and didn't even think twice about signing up for it. Tommy now edits videos for 3 YouTubers and couldn't be happier that he is able to speak with some of his favourite YouTubers from when he was growing up.

Tommy has always had an idea of what he wanted to be when he was older, to become a successful YouTuber with his friends, but no one really paid attention to him because not many people think being a YouTuber is a full-time job that Tommy would love to do. All of his friends give him their full support so hopefully, he does it one day. All of his friends think that he would be a very good one since he is still a child at heart, yells a lot but in a funny way, is always making jokes left and right, and has excellent comedic timing. To wrap all of this up, Tommy is by far one of the most caring, chaotic, and the most interesting person I've ever met and hopefully, you'll have the pleasure of meeting him one day too.

Tommy's pov

I stood there in awe. They like me back. I can't believe I'm this lucky to have my best friend of 4 years likes me back. "So what did you think?", I could see a worried look on their fave because I didn't say anything even after I finish reading. "huh oh yeah, I love it but I have to ask you something"

Y/ns pov

Oh shit, he knows. Just deny deny deny. "yeah..what's up" I could tell he didn't want to ask whatever he wants to say, but he does it anyway. "So I was wondering if me...I'm just curious". Ah yes "I'm just curious", the same thing everyone says just in case they didn't think the other person doesn't feel the same. I've used it before. "Uhhh well I do..but if you feel the same I get it and I can leave too if you'd like". His smiling? Wait why, I thought he didn't..wouldn't feel the same. And yet somehow here I am. Why did I say yes though, I could've said that I don't, but nope I just had to say yes. "Oh well uh, me too..". What?!? NO WAY. 

After some hugging and some talking, both Tommy and I, decided on going on a date next week, after we both made time to go.

I'm so happy I asked if I could write about him.

A/n: AHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR 2k, ok I'm really sleepy so I'm going to sleep. Also, I didn't edit this so if they are lots of mistakes please tell me so I can fix them!! ok, thank you!! <3333

Byeee love you guys!!

Have a good night/morning

Drink some water

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