tommy- Cooking class

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idk what this is but uhhhhhh enjoy!!!

Cooking class. something y/n was always looking forward too. Tommy on the other hand was not to excited for he was not good at cooking. That is one of the reasons motherinnit hasn't let Tommy do a cooking stream so instead, she made Tommy take this class, and the reason y/n took it for the easy A. (I did the same thing 💀👍)

~y/n pov~
"ok class today we will be making butter cookies with jam! so before we begin i need to mention that you will be doing it in partners since we don't have enough ingredients for everyone to make their own." aw man I literally hate everyone in my class especially the girl that sit behind me. "uhh miss, but do we get to choose our partners or are you choosing for us?" Said this random kid I don't even know

"oh yes well....I guess you can choose your own partners for today, it seem I have forgotten to make a partner plan yesterday "

"hey y/n" uhh what the fuck who called my name. as I look around to see what classamte is going to bother me now, I see Tommy coming up to me. oh shit what the hell is he doing, maybe he's gonna to ask someone else. "y/n wanna be partners, I dont really know anyone else in this class" wait then why is he asking me? we only spoke like 3 times? "umm sure I guess but we also don't know each other? don't get me wrong though I don't mind being your partner."

~Tommy's pov~
oh shit what the fuck do I say know, the only reason I wanted to be their partner was because I've had a slight crush on them for a while, thought I've never talked to them. "ahh well because everyone here is already friends or really mean, and since I see you're by yourself all the time in this class I thought I'd ask you you know" god I hope that convinces them "oh yea ok, well we should start making them so let's go"

~time skip cuz I'm a lazy mf 😩✋~

"ok the cookies are in the oven, and we finally finished cleaning up" "yea but what should we do now?" shit what should I say to him, I have no idea how to talk guys, oh gosh. "well we can-"

"oh I have an idea, you said before that we didn't know each other that well right" where is he going with this "yes what about it" "yea well I was thinking that if you wanted we could get to know each other more"

oh. "yeah sure I don't mind plus it sounds like a fun idea"

"yea ok I'll ask some questions and you answer them, then you ask some questions and I'll answer them" so like 20 questions? "so like 20 questions?" "yeah...basically, ok so uhhhh what's your favourite show?" well we are off to a great start /s "umm well I guess I would say Brooklyn 99, it's really good in my opinion" and now I'm basic 😐

"no way I love that show, ok ok who is your favourite character"
"definitely Jake and Rosa comes in a close second you know, what about you who I your favourite character?"

"Um I would say Terry because I relate to him" huh I wonder why "and why is that?" I said to the boy with a witty smile now plastered on his face "well because we are both big strong men" I laugh a little as I see the boy in front of me try to flex his nonexistent muscles trying to prove that he is in fact a big strong man like Terry.

~Time skip because I'm lazy and cuz I have school tomorrow~

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* "oh shit- uhh I mean shoot the cookies" I guess me and tommy got to into that conversation that the cookie were done and almost burnt. "Omg are they ok?" Uhhhh I think they look ok "uhh yea they look good, wanna go sit out in the patio and eat them after school which is literally in 10 minutes?" Please say yes please say yes say yes "YES...I mean sure yeah that seems like I cool idea"

"Hahaha ok lets go pack up and then go and get a good spot" and with that I walk away with a smile know I may have made a new friend..

Or maybe something more.

a/n: ok so this may or may not be based on the guy I like my cooking class. I really like him and I have no idea how to ask him anything yk? like I can't talk to him unless he talks to me first and the problem is he always hesitates before talking to me I can see it in his body language🧍🏻‍♀️I know that's weird to say but it makes sense to me ok😭 well anyways I hope you liked the chapter. love yall! <33

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