Tommy - what new house?

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A/n: I hope you all have had a good day so far! also Tommy is moving to Brighton next week (or sometime next week) so I decided to make a oneshot about that! nothing weird for obvious reasons so enjoy!
‼️And don't forget to vote‼️

your pov

"Wait you want me to do what now?" you were puzzled by what your boyfriend was asking of you and asked if he could give you more of an explanation than just asking you if you wanted to move to Brighton with him and in 2 months with his friends joining if everything goes to plan, whatever the plan was.

"I want you to come with me to Brighton so we can live together, imagine how fun that would be like you would get to wake up beside the greatest man ever, having breakfast with your boyfriend and we might even get a pet of your choice!" although I know he is trying to bribe me with allowing me to get a pet I was somewhat intrigued to his proposal. "Also if things go well tubbo and Wilbur might move in or like we'd have a joined office and stuff."

"ok so let me recap what you just said, you want me to convince my parents to move, pack everything I have in my room, and basically move in with 2 tall ass dudes and one short is ish guy, one whom I love and the other two who I consider my brothers?" he looked at me dumbfounded as if I spoke a language he doesn't understand. "Well yes, but when you say it like that it makes a sound like a bad thing. Is it a bad thing cause if you don't want to go you can-"

"what no I love the idea, I was just clarifying everything so I can ask my parents later tonight" "well that's ok if you don't want to move-" he took a moment to process what I just said "wait what, huh what did you just say" "I'm gonna ask my parents if I can move with you to Brighton!!" After giving me a big hug and basically picking me up and spinning me around for a bit till I got dizzy he recollected himself and asked me when I was going to ask my parents. "well later tonight during dinner hopefully they are in a good mood cause if they aren't we might have to wait until tomorrow or wait till they are for an answer." 

"that's ok I just need to know by the end of the week so if your parents say yes you and I can start planning and shit." 

no ones pov

20 minutes go by and already you two are making plans without knowing if your parents are going to say yes or not, seeing how to design your house and your shared(ish) room, the food you can make with Tommy as moral support in the back, what room you'd both want, and so many other details. All of those things that teenagers love to do as if they were going to pack their bags and leave, in this case, it is true and those two teens were so excited and couldn't wait for what came next they ended up talking and planning about their future.

Your pov

"ok my parents want me home now, and don't forget that I'm asking them during dinner so if i call you and you are streaming, end stream cause it's most likely good news and if I don't call or text you for a while it means I'm sad they said no k" "yea yea I know don't worry and make sure to say that Wilbur and tubbo might move in if things go well cause they might just think it's a bit weird for you to move in you know." "yep don't worry I will, k I should get going byee love you" 

"love you moreee"

~Later at dinner~

Helping your mum with the food she made, you sat down and thanked her for the lovely food your mum made with love. "so what did you and Tommy do today" oh thank god they didn't ask about school or work  "it was good we talked about something I wanted to ask you actually" 

"sure what's up honey" ok nows my chance, don't mess things up. "so Tommy is moving-" "oh goody I'm so happy" "Tony! stop don't say things like that, you know how in love with me you were as teens so don't try to make fun of y/n you hypocrite" "pepper how could I not, have you seen the kid? he's so loud and annoying and weirdly tall"

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