Little update💕

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Soooo it's been a while you guys..

also like the dress I got?!
(I got it at Garage!!)

ok ok so a lot of things happen like work, homework, school, friends, drama, doctors appointments, and me having headaches all the time 🙃
and I'm ngl I had writers block for the longest time and it sucked but guess what


anyways I have 3 things in the works rn and I'm done one which I'll post in a bit hopefully, one is almost done then I just have to edit it, and the last one, ik what I'm gonna write for it but I haven't started yet

point is just give me a little bit of time and I should be posting more often!!

anyways that's all I wanted to say, totally done with what's been on my mind, and totally not gonna celebrate me getting 1.94k read...


YEA NO NVM THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCHHH!! I honestly didn't think I'd get this much attention at first but now we are aiming for the top babyyyy /j
also thank you to everyone who just followed me recently,, ILY GUYS SMM!!

yep that's it now,, fr this time lmaoo

Have a good morning/night!!! Drink water!!
Get some some sleep!!
Love you guys!!!

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