Tommy - Let's met someone new

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A/n: We don't talk about the fact I now have 3 (and now this one[and counting]) Tommy fanfics....ALSO as you know tubbo has confirmed he has a partner!!(< I think not 100% sure lol) I honestly can't believe it!! I'm so happy for him!! So in honour of that, Y/n and Tommy will be having dinner with them!...kinda!! SO it's not gonna be Tubbo and his partner, it's gonna be made up friend(s)! I would feel bad if I got something wrong or if I got some info wrong. So in order to avoid that, Tommy will have some made up friend(s)!! I also had a dream like this last night but with tubbo and his partner lol, so i already know how this ends hehe.

**!!!Don't forget to vote!!!**

Tommy's Pov

"Yep okay don't worry I'll ask them, okay I'll talk to you later" Putting the phone down I go back on my computer to quickly finish the video I was editing. Right before I finish, I remember that I have to ask my partner a very important question. "Y/n!! Can you come here for a minute"

Y/n's Pov

"Yea!! I'll be there in a sec!!" Wanting to clean myself up a little first, I decided against it. Cause I know that if I keep Tom waiting he'll become a child wanting to follow me around everywhere. I'll have him come and bug me while I'm baking him an apple cake (yes cake, not pie). I walk towards his room and stand behind him watching him move his hands really quickly editing a video he filmed not so long ago. "So what's up!?" Spooked a little, he turned the chair around to face me. "Well I was wondering if you are free this Sunday?!"

"Uhh yeah I think so, how come?" Tom stood up, towering over me. I take a step back so we aren't that closes to each other, otherwise I would trip on my own two feet. "Well one of my old school mates that I've been friends with since forever invited me on a double date with his partner" I think about this, do I really want to go to that? I don't even know his school friend. I've never heard of him before, why should I go on a double date with someone I don't know? "Hmm well I guess we can go, just remember we need to get back early, you are filming a vlog with toby and phil on Monday and I don't want phil texting me every 2 seconds asking me where you are because you woke up late" "THAT WAS ONE TIMEEEE"

"Well yes but still, we both know he'll do it regardless of it just being one time." With a (cute) grumpy looking face, he turns around to face me with his back taking a seat on his 'gamer' chair. I take that as a sign to leave, but as I was about to walk out the door he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. We pull apart and he looks at me, smiles a little, and tries to lean in for another kiss. "Ok ok I get it, you love haha. But we can continue this after I finish the apple cake that you asked me to make. Otherwise it will burn and your landlord will be upset you set the building on fire" Shocked with my very smart comeback he pushed me, gently, out the door. I walk into the somewhat small kitchen he has and continue to clean up as the cake is in the oven almost ready to come out. And be devoured by Tom later.

~Skip to Saturday~

Y/n's pov

I picked out the outfit that I'm gonna wear tomorrow but I still don't know if Tommy already picked something out too. Knowing him for a while now, that's a big no. *Ring~Ring* Come on Tom, pick up the phone. Stop talking to Wil for two seconds. "Hey babe, what's up?" (real sorry here, but I hated writing "babe", thought you should know. Anyways back to this lol) "Did you pick out what you're gonna wear tomorrow?"

"Uh yes hello? Love you too? I too had a great morning, thanks for asking." Feeling a little bad, I do end up saying hi and I love you as I normally would if I wasn't worried about what he's wearing tomorrow. "And no I haven't picked out what i'm wearing tomorrow, but can't I just do that tomorrow?" Oh lord this was gonna take a while. Might as well get up and walk to his apartment. "No, because let's be honest here. Though Will did give you a better sense of style, you still don't know how to dress sometimes." "HEYY"

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