'*•.¸♡What you do for valentine's day♡¸.•*'

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A/n: haven't done these in a while so you get more! I've also noticed a lot more people read this than I expected which is great! welcome everyone that just started reading this!! I hope you've enjoyed them so far haha,, anyways on with the book!


- he would prob get you something very expensive since mans here is loaded as fuck

- You go to a fancy-ass restaurant 

- he pays

- but you offer to go to Starbucks

- you didn't let him pay this time >:)

- you end up at home (btw you live together)

- and watch cheesy romcoms to finish off the night

- you give and receive lots of kisses 


- you guys don't do much

- you get each other little things here and there

- nothing too flashy 

- but you two are much more touchy and lovey-dovey on this day

- George goes out of his way to wake up early and make you breakfast 

- which says a lot cuz he sleeps a lot

- and you make his fav meal 

- whatever that may be 🧍🏻‍♀️


- you wake up to kisses on your face 🥰

- you get one of those big ass teddy bears

- you tell him you already have one and was so confused cuz where the hell would you keep it

- but then he got the joke, it was him

- he was the teddy bear 

- anyways 

- you got him sneakers

- but not just any sneakers, anime ones

- customs one too

- he loves them.

- you both watch romcoms cuz you both got bored in the afternoon

- he made you a song

- and you made him a custom guitar 

- as in you actually made it for him 

- you spent the rest of the day talking and calling friends showing off each other's gifts


- he also made a song for you

- but it was a 'funny but I love you' song

- it was really cute

- you cried btw

- and not because you loved the song (which you did)

- but because you have shit memories and forgot it was valentines day 

- he told you it was alright and that you didn't need to get him anything

- you being there was good enough for him 


- so. many. kisses. and. hugs.

- like I'm not kidding

- you feel more in love with him

- if that's even possible

- some goes for you

- you were both equally as touchy and lovely dovely


- she got you flowers

- you love to garden btw so

- but not only did she get you flowers, but she also got you seeds

- you got her a beautiful necklace

- but the twist is

- it's those matching ones

- she couldn't stop saying thank you


- you both forgot ngl

- but when you saw everyone giving their partners gifts and flowers

- you both ran to get something for one another

- you both didn't make anything so you stole something

- and he just gives you lots and lots of flowers

- either way, you were both very happy in the end


- omg I feel like he would be the sweetest person here

- he got you flowers, a teddy bear, matching necklaces, matching promise rings?!!?!, and wrote you the cutest card ever 

- omg you felt so bad for just getting him like 3 things

- but he told you that even if you didn't give him anything, he would still love you

- but he still said thank you for the little ender man plushie, matching lego heart necklaces and the lovely card


- he took you to get matching build-a-bears

- you got a pink frog and he got the green frog

- omg it was the cutest thing ever

- you made him some cute matching PJ bottoms

- you loved them, he wears them a lot and makes sure he doesn't dirty it


- you both didn't do much

- you two just bought each other a little card and that's it


- you both are suckers for cheesy romcoms

- so you spent all day watching romcoms and eating overpriced chocolate

A/n: ok I hope you enjoyed it again these are pre-written but I still take requests!! happy valentines day!!! and even if you are lonely this year dww i can be your valentines this yes :) Also, did anyone watch the Super Bowl!?!?!! I didn't understand what was going on but I got free food and I got to pet a cat which made my day :) also thoughts on the half-time show? I thought it was ok I liked it ngl

Mkay happy valentines day my lovelys!!!!

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