Your favourite Adam Sandler movies

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A/n: honestly I wanna thank everyone for voting and actually liking this!! love to everyone!! <3333 also a little Adam Sandler appreciation because he is really funny and a father figure to me since I was raised by (most) these movies <33


The Do-Over

- He likes the idea of having a 'do-over'

- Let's be honest this movie is just funny

- Idk it just felt right ig


Hotel Transylvania

- he only likes it because he can fall asleep to it

- but if he doesn't want to sleep

- he laughs and enjoys the movie



- Who doesn't like this

- By far one of his favourite movie

- Yours too

- It better be...or else Adam Sandler will haunt your dreams tonight/j


The Week of

- Honestly, it's just a good laugh and you both love it

- You love it a little more

- But he still loves it when you put in on



- This movie is just a vibe

- It's super funny

- He watched this when it first came out and loved it*

- He jokes around that he loves this movie more than you

*not an actual fact, this is just in the fanfic!



- Jimmy told you to watch it since Maddy* loved it so much

- you and Karl gave it a try and loved it

- if you guys have a double date

- you put it on after dinner

*Mr.beast/Jimmy's gf [the prettiest person very imo, wait there's you too!! <33 :) ]


Bedtime stories

- it's a cute movie

- she wants a hamster now

- you said to wait

- since Niki has cats at the moment


Murder Mystery

- it's funny but also murder.

- you just like it cause of Jennifer Aniston

- Still you both love it



- gamer loves gamer movies

- No but it's a good movie so you like it too

- You love all the games they incuded


The Wedding Singer

- I don't really have a reason to why I chose this movie

- I just thought it fit so

- also cause I ran out of his good moives

- and the ones I've watched


Just go with it

- ngl he had. past tense as he likes to say,

- a crush on Jennifer Aniston

- he made the mistake of telling you

- now you make him watch this cause you find it funny

A/n: I have lots and lots of ideas so be ready for tons more chapters!!! Stay safe you guys!! Drink water and eat food!!! love you guys<33333

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