Sans Last Boss Fight

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Meglovania played in the background as San dunked The Player for the fifth time. No matter how hard they tried, he always got them eventually. Sans was sick of this, so very sick of this. He was sick of watching the people he cared about die over and over again. He was sick of dying himself. He was sick of Frisk suffering because they had no control over their actions. He was sick of the nightmares. He was sick of the resets. It was going to end now. In this hall. Even if it cost him his own soul. Nobody was going to suffer anymore. Everyone would finally get their happy ending. They'd finally be on the surface, Frisk would do their thing, Everyone will be happy on the surface. All it would take is sacrifice. One over many, but it'd be worth it, to him at least. The Player would be no more, if this worked, and they'd be the last 'soul' needed to break the barrier. Two birds.. meet stone.


His slipper tapped impatiently as he waited for the Player to return for the thirty-second time. "What are you planning, Comedian?" So they noticed. "let's just get to the point." I started up the fight sequence, the battle started. Round thirty- three, go. Sans dodged and weaved, sending waves of bones, charging blasters, throwing them around like the human puppet that they'd forced Frisk to be. They were getting better, as they always did. Lasting longer, and longer every time. He kept reminding himself that this was the last time. The final fight. "heya kid.. take care a pap for me ok? i'm not really sure what's going to happen next.." If he'd known he was going to be trying a stunt like this, he'd have left a note or something. He felt kinda bad for leaving his bro like this. He didn't even know if he was going to live or die.. Nope! He wasn't going to talk himself out of it. Some sacrifices had to be made. He WAS doing this.


He was using that last attack on them. That seemingly never-ending attack that would leave monsters in awe, if there'd been any monsters left to watch. He teleported around, following the thing, that was fighting for Frisk's soul. Blue littered his skull, but he wasn't done yet as he tried in vain to impale them and kill them yet again. He circled them with blasters, yet still yielded no results. So he took them by the soul and yeeted them around. Into the walls, the ceiling, the floor, the pillars. He might even found it almost comical if it wasn't so dire. Finally, he was done. He panted for breath, trying to collect himself for what was about to come next.


"screw the special attack. i've got a deal for you." Sans started slowly. It caught the Player off guard. "Wait what?!"
"i'm sick of all.." He gestured, unable to find the word he was looking for. "this. i want.. i need, it to end. take my soul. use my power. end my suffering." They looked cautious. "I need determination to take a host.. your a monster. Undyne would be a better choice than you."
"i have determination, kid. i'm the strongest monster in the underground. how do you think i haven't givin up on this.. this fight. how many resets have you struggled against me. i'm your best choice kid. take it or leave it." He set a determined gaze upon them. The Player was growing excited, they were trying not to show it, but he could tell. "Fine."


He barely had time to brace himself for what came next. They came at him like a thick black fog, swallowing his soul whole. He knew he didn't have much time. It was now or never as he ditched a disoriented Frisk in judgment hall and teleported to the barrier. Their was a crash as he summoned the six souls to his own, corrupting soul. "say goodbye kid. we're not coming back." With that he used the souls to reset while simultaneously breaking the barrier. It was the end for them..


When it finally occurred to Frisk, what just happened, they full out ran. There was no time to talk to Asgore as they slipped out from under him. They ran as fast as they could to the barrier room to see.. the barrier gone.. and Sans face down on the floor. "SANS!" They scrambled over to the punny skeleton, and rolled him onto his back. "SANS! SANS WAKE UP!" They pleaded, shaking him. Asgore rushed in. They looked to the king. "He won't wake up.."
The monster king crouched down and checked Sans. His stats were normal. So what was happening? That's when he realized the barrier was broken. "What in stars name..?" It was then that he had an idea on what happened. "We must call Alphys!"


"H-his soul is g-gone.. h-he really used it to.. to b-break the barrier.." Alphys confirmed, looking to the limp skeleton. "H-he should be dust.." None of them could quite believe it. Sans.. the laziest monster in the ENTIRE Underground, sacrificed his soul for the good of everyone. Undyne had to admit. She admired that. She admired Sans for that. Papyrus was silent. He didn't know what to think. Sans.. Sans was gone. Not dead, but not here either. The soul was the very culmination of one's being. His body was here, but his soul was gone. Frisk's mind went back to the fight. Sans had told them.. to take care of Papyrus. They looked to the younger skeleton brother. Sans had planned this all along. To save them, to save monsters, and most importantly, to save Papyrus. They couldn't let Sans down. They'd find a way to get Sans back, so Papyrus wouldn't be sad. They'd save Sans like Sans saved them. They were determined to.

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