A few Years Later

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Akhera helped a patient take their medication. "Ryan maybe.. or Helena.. Eve was a nice girl.." When she and Sans found out that he was infertile *cough* because he's still missing a soul piece *cough* , they've started looking into adoption. They were both ready to expand their family, and this was the way they agreed, looking at coexisting orphanages across the state. The last one they'd visited had Akhera thinking hard on it, so many children called out to her. "Taylor.. they were so sweet.. I'm sorry, I'm rambling again." She realized and apologized to the patient. "Adopting are you?" She nodded. "My husband and I are looking to adopt yes."
"One of you having problems?" She cleared her throat. "It's.. a long story." They chuckled. "I understand, perhaps it's for the best for them?"
"Yeah.. you're right."


"looks like they're closing down the small orphanage here in ebbot. some place called 'happy connections'." Akhera peeked over his shoulder. "Really? What's happening to the kids?" He scrolled some. "the boys and girls are getting separated into all boys and all girls orphanages."
"Maybe we should take a look? I mean, it doesn't hurt to see?" He nodded. "they're open now." She smiled. "What're we waiting for?" She wrapped her arms around Sans and they took a shortcut there. The place was a bit run down. A simple small brick building with some windows and a faded sign that said HAPPY CONNECTIONS. She knocked and waited. "We can't afford any charities today, I apologize- oh! Hello." It was an elderly gentleman who answered the door. "Can we see the kids? we're looking to adopt." He smiled immediately. "Of course, of course, come right in! The children are all in the play room, there are seven, four boys, three girls." He lead you through the surprising homey place and to a room. He knocked and cracked it open. "Children, there are people who would like to meet you!" With that, the couple entered.


Five children swarmed them as they came in, three boys and two girls. Three monsters, two humans ranging from the ages of 5 and 9. "Hi. I'm Akhera, this is Sans. What are your names?"
"Nice to meet you all.. and you two?" Akhera looked to the hybrids that Sans was approaching. The girl was a human feline, maybe about 14. She got all defensive and hid the boy who was a human canine probably about 5. "relax kiddo, just want your name. She bared her teeth and gave Sans the bird. "Don't mind Honey and Nev. She's aggressive towards everyone."
"They came in at the same time.. refuse to be separated."
"Out of everyone, they've been here the longest." She looked at Sans. He was grinning at Honey, amused. "Sans? Can we talk?" He nodded and you both left the room. "i like that kid, gonna have to work on her manners."
"They are going to separate her and her brother..?" She didn't know what they considered themselves. "They've never been separated." Sans hummed. "then there's only one thing we can do here."


"Both?!" The man looked utterly shocked. "Yes. We want Honey and Nev both. We have the space."
"and the time."
"And the energy." Well, Papyrus had the energy. "I-I can't believe- I always hoped- you two are truly life savers! Those two were siblings that were found in a lab and taken into custody. Add onto the fact that once this place closes, they'll be separated, you are truly wonderful people!" Akhera was given adoption papers to sign. Sans knew all to well what it was like to grow up in a lab, Akhera knew that. If anyone could get through to Honey, it was him. An old lady disappeared into the room the children were in and left with Honey and Nev in tow. They returned with suitcases as Sans finished signing the papers. "Heya kiddos. Ready to go home?"
"Home, home, home!" Nev jumped around his sister happily, chanting and wagging his black and white tail.

 Ready to go home?" "Home, home, home!" Nev jumped around his sister happily, chanting and wagging his black and white tail

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Sans watched. "welp i'm tired out just watching him." He joked. Honey rolled her eyes and puffed out her cheeks.

"Tough audience, love

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"Tough audience, love. You'll have to step up your game."
"heh. haven't even started. let's go home kiddos."


The new family stepped out. Akhera carried the suitcases for the kids. Nev tilted his head. "Where's the car..?"
"don't have one."
"Oh great, we're walking." Honey huffed. "This already sucks."
"Whoever said anything about walking?" Akhera asked as Sans put a hand on her shoulder. "better grab on or you'll be left behind." Honey and Nev both looked curious and confused. Nev took Sans had though, Honey taking Nev's. Then you were home, the kids stared wide eyed. "Thanks Sansy~" She started walking up the pathway with the suitcases. "Wait you live here?! Are you rich or something!?"
"All monsters are, that I know of."
"we don't have separate rooms for you yet, we didn't think we were adopting two kids, but in my experience, this is probably better anyway." Honey followed after cautiously. "In your experience..?"
"a story for another time, simply bask in the fact that you and your brother are still together."
"And won't be separated while living with us." Akhera concluded.

1 chapter left

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