Breaking Rules

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"What? Why not?!" Akhera demanded. "Sans may be in a 'better state of mind' as you put it, but he still isn't stable. It's not safe to bring him out of the facility. We have to deny your request." She inhaled. Great. Wonderful. She was really hoping she didn't have to do this.. but Sans needed his soul. She was going to have to break the rules. "Ok, ok.. I won't take Sans to the Underground." She left the meeting and closed the computer. Sans quirked a brow and grabbed the notebook she'd brought him. Giving up just like that? "Nope." You're still taking me "Yep." Then I better get ready. "Yeah.. you and me both." He smiled and patted her back before getting up and going to his dresser. "How do I get him out..?" He tapped Akhera's shoulder and took the computer. He wore a worn blue hoodie and pink slippers with his usual white T and black shorts. "Nice." He huffed and finished whatever he was doing before typing in what he wanted to say. What this old thing? Had it forever.. I think. His face furrowed in confusion. "Not many memories?" He shook his head. I know some things.. my memory is.. choppy. Anyway, I hacked the camera system. It'll be like I never left. "You know how to hack?" Apparently. "What are we waiting for then! Let's go!"


They snuck out from the garden. She brought him to her car and drove off. "Tap me if you sense any soul pieces before we get to Ebott." He nodded again and looked out the window. It went silent. It was awkward. Not wanting to deal with the silence, Akhera turned on the radio. Luckily for her, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons had just started. She knew this song by heart. "I'm waking up, to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust. I'm breathing in my chemicals." She inhaled with the song, then exhaled. Sans was watching, listening. He couldn't say it, but he thought her voice was beautiful. "I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out of the prison bus. This is it, the apocalypse. Woah. I'm waking up! I feel it in my bones enough to make my systems blow! Welcome to the new age, to the new age. Welcome to the new age, to the new age. Woah oh oh, woah oh I'm, Radioactive. Radioactive. Woah oh oh, woah oh I'm, Radioactive. Radioactive." Sans was smiling now, enjoying the song as he tapped along to the beat and watched her sing. "I raise my flag, don my clothes, it's a revolution, I suppose. Where painted red, to fit right in, woah. I'm breaking in, shaping up, and checking out on the prison bus. This is it, the apocalypse. Woah." She repeated the main verse. Sans was curious as to what the song was even called. He'd ask after. He didn't want to interupt now. "All systems go, sun hasn't died. Deep in my bones, straight from inside." For the final time she repeated the main verse, and the song ended. He tapped her shoulder. You are an amazing singer. What was the song called? Akhera flushed. She hadn't realized he was listening.  "Radioactive.." He nodded. Maybe I can sing for you sometime. "Wha? Really?" He turned away blushing. Maybe. He emphasized.


Sans picked up on something when they were halfway up the mountain, so Akhera was following him as he took the lead. He led her deeper into the forest, the trees were getting denser. She was getting nervous about getting lost, if they weren't lost already. She hadn't exactly planned this out well. Sans stopped ubruptly and pointed down. "Sans.. do you know what that is?" It was a hole, dug out from under a tree. He shook his head. "I'm pretty sure that's a fox den. If there's kits in there.. let's just hope there's not kits in there." What do we do? It's down there. "Can you magic it out?" He shook his head. I don't know where it is in there. I need a specific location to grab it. "Crap.." She got on her hands and knees. "Wish me luck.. I hope nothing in there is rabid. Maybe I should grab it. "You can't. Only I can physically touch them, remember?" He shuffled nervously, then gave a reassuring thumbs up.


Akhera stuck her arm inside, feeling around for the piece. Hopefully it was shallow so she didn't have to break the entrance. "Nothing yet.." She brushed on the walls, floor and ceiling of the den. There she felt the warmth of the piece. "Found it! It's stuck on the roof of the den. Can you get it yet?" He nodded and she backed out. His left eye lit in a small blue pinprick as the same color enveloped his hand. With one motion, the piece came to its master and settled into where it belonged. Sans' eyelights went bright blue before returning to normal. The soul pieces that were once bright blue, were fading, getting lighter. The soul looked nearly complete. Maybe three pieces left? "Well.. I wonder what that did? Can you talk yet?" He shook his head. There was a ping, and her soul felt heavy. She was drawn to Sans and just like that, they were gone. They.. were outside the Underground's entrance. "W-wha..?" She felt dizzy as Sans tried to stabilize her. Sorry. It's always rough the first time. "That was.. magic?" He nodded. Got my magic back. Then another ping sounded.


Akhera couldn't move as Undyne advanced forward, peeved. "I shoulda known better! You kidnapped Sans! What do you want, a randsom?!" The fish demanded. Sans stepped in front of her, glaring. "BROTHER! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Papyrus called. He nodded, still glaring at Undyne. Let. Her. Go. "Nuh-uh! She kidnapped you!" He shook his head again and initiated battled. It freed Akhera, though now Undyne had to face him. "You gotta be kidding. You? Fight me?" She spared, for Papyrus' sake. "Sans, we don't have time for this! We need to find the rest of your soul!" ... you were threatened. "As sweet as that is, we can't afford breaks. The police and everyone is probably looking for us if they know. We don't have anymore time, Sans. With a silent sigh, he mercied Undyne. Let's go find the rest of my soul.

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