We Have to Stop

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We walked through a thick fog. "Where are we now?" Akhera asked, trying in vain to see anyone or anything. She also took note of the drastic change in temperature. "snowdin. our home." Sans replied from somewhere ahead of her. "THE FOG WILL CLEAR UP SOON, SO WORRY NOT!" Thank the stars for that. The fog did clear up, leaving her and the monsters in the snow. "The logic of this place is just.. wow." She commented wondering how one could go from a rainforest like setting to blankets of snow in a matter of minutes. "In this place, screw logic." Frisk said airily. "kids right."
"YEAH!! Screw logic!" Undyne cheered. "A-actually, with the C.O.R.E powering the place, and this part of the cave being the coldest area-" Poor Alphys was cut of by he excited girlfriend. "Where to next Sans! I wanna fix ya so I can get answers!"
"this way. towards home. answers?" His speech was still a bit choppy. "Why did you break the barrier and how, damnit!" He shrugged. Seemed he didn't know yet either.


Their house was a nice cabin, now bare of it's items, now that monsters lived on the surface. Sans walked behind the cabin, the others growing confused. "Sans, where are you going?" Asgore asked. "I think his going to the basement.." Frisk trailed off. "You had a basement?" Undyne asked. "YES.. IT'S OLD THOUGH, AND UNUSED. I DON'T KNOW WHY HIS SOUL WOULD WANT TO GO THERE.." Sans tried the door. "locked.." Frisk came over, pulling out a key. It fit. They let Sans go first. Akhera followed behind, turning on the lights. Down the stairs was a clean, lab like space, complete with blueprints, equipment, and a machine in the back. "S-sans.. what is all this..?" He shrugged as Akhera started looking around for the next piece. She opened drawers to find it inside, along with a book album of some sort. She scooped it up. "Here Sans." He grinned and took the soul piece. "thanks." While he did that, you flipped through the album. It seemed, when he was younger, he was a scientist. Most of the faces in the pictures were blurred, but he looked happy. There were pictures of him and the C.O.R.E, him and other scientists in a lab, him and Papyrus, and the last page, was a children's drawing of three people, she assumed. Sans was one of them, Papyrus the other. She didn't know the third. On the corner were the words Don't Forget. What was he not supposed to Forget? "we have to stop."


Akhera looked at Sans. His eyelights had disappeared. She wasn't sure what to make of this. "Why? We're so close."
"that.. is why. i can't let it come back. i.. can't let it take control. reset." The others looked just as confused as she was. All but Frisk, who's eyes widened. "You took it?"
"it was an attempt to get rid of the worst. a thing that kept us in an endless reset. i can never be whole again, or it will be free." Sans replied somberly. "Endless reset?" Undyne asked. "Sans.. what is it?" Akhera asked. "the player. a being of death that takes a host, usually frisk, and killed all the monsters, only to go back in time to do it again." Toriel covered her mouth. "i came up with an idea.. to save everyone, but that involved me possibly dying." Realization dawned on Frisk. "You convinced it to take over your body, then used it, and the six souls to break the barrier and bring everyone back to life.." They concluded. Sans nodded. "i did. i had no intention of surviving, let alone piecing myself back together. we can't anymore. we stop here."
"Y-you did what!?"
"DUDE, HAVE YOU BEEN HOLDING OUT ON ME!? HOW STRONG ARE YOU?!" Undyne roared. "Not the point guys." Akhera spoke up. "If that's what you want, we will stop. At least you are alive and everyone is safe.."
"thanks, akhera." She nodded. "what about your job?"
"Oh I'm definitely getting fired, and likely getting thrown in jail for "kidnapping" you." She air quoted. "WE.. MAY BE ABLE TO HELP WITH THAT." Papyrus spoke. "IT'S THE LEAST WE CAN DO FOR YOU'RE HELPING MY BROTHER." It was her turn to smile. "Thanks Papyrus!"

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