The Dream

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She went home after a long, interesting day at work. At least now Akhera knew what she was doing. Looking for Sans Soul was top priority now. She went to brush her teeth. If she could just get a trip to the Underground approved, maybe there was some pieces there. Or maybe the park? Or maybe in the next town.. "Who am I kidding. They could be anywhere.." After that she changed into her pajamas and went through her paperwork for the night.


Akhera was in her childhood bedroom. "What?" Why was she here? She looked out the window, but she didn't see the outside. It was a classroom. The classroom were she made friends with a shy kid, who'd become her best friend. They still kept in contact. She stepped out into the hall, but the hall became her graduation platform. "Ok, this is getting to be to much!"
"then just focus on one memory." Someone replied. "Huh?" She stepped off the platform and into a field. A few feet before her was a large oak, that she'd spend all her time at in the summers. Leaning against the oak was Sans. "exactly. just like that."
"I'm.. dreaming.. right?" Sans nodded. "that you are." He looked around. "nice memory. a beautiful place."
"Er.. thanks. But why are you in my dream? And how are you talking?" He chuckled. "the soul is a strange thing, isn't it? as for all that.. i'm here to ease your fears and help out."
"Help out?" Sans nodded again and plopped into the grass, padding the spot beside him. Akhera took his invention. It was strange to her, he looked like how she'd always known him. White shirt, black shorts, dark sockets with a deep blue glow, yet he was talking. She was in her Memories, that she knew, yet she'd never heard this voice before, or had this conversation, so was she really in her Memories then? Was this just a dream? Was it the shard of Sans, reaching out to her? Physically, he couldn't understand, but did his soul understand? It was all so complicated.


Sans chuckled again, snapping Akhera out of her thoughts. "you're always doing that."
"Doing- Oh! Thinking? Yeah, it's just.. all so weird. I just started this job, you know? It's the strangest job I've ever had.."
"in a bad way?"
"No, no! In a good way! I.. I've never felt more necessary in my life. Like this is what I was born to do.. that probably sounds strange, but I'm determined to help you, Sans. Whether it's real or not, it's a start at least."
"true. you're at a good start, kid." I huffed. "Kid?" He laughed good-naturedly. "well, times short." He went serious. It was kinda intimidating. "my soul is only near the left face of the mountain. only i can sense them, only you can touch them." Akhera was confused. "Why is that?" A constant beep started in the fields, echoing about. "sorry kid, time for you to wake up."
"Hey! Wait!"


Akhera startled awake, her alarm clock going off. "Shut up." She shut it off. "Only he can sense them.. I was right in that regard at least.. but why am I the only one that can touch them?" She went and started the shower. "If I can't get a trip approved, I may have to break some rules. Might cost me the job, but if I can help him, it'll be worth it. I only hope his family can forgive me." She showered, changed, ate, brushed her teeth, threw her hair up in a ponytail, and collected her work. "Now that he can move on his own, maybe we can give the building a sweep, since it's facing the left side of the mountain." It was worth a shot. She grabbed her keys and left the house for the day.


She ran a check on Sans, as was the new schedule since he could create his own magic again. He was still asleep at the moment. "I wonder.. if that's what you really sound like?" She went to get some paperwork done, but something caught her. He still seemed to be asleep, but Sans had her hand in a comfortable, yet tight, grip. She.. couldn't move. With a quiet sigh, she sat next to him and got comfortable. Even started absent-mindedly stroking his skull, to which he nuzzled deeper into the feeling. He looked so at peace, so.. calm. She smiled alittle.

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