That's Not Normal

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It was the next week and Akhera had just come in. All was still quiet, most of the patients still asleep, Sans included. She checked on him, just in case. There had been quite a few times when she'd found him awake already, she couldn't help but wonder if he could still dream without a soul. If the soul was the very culmination of a monsters being, did that mean that Sans wasn't actually there? Yet, sometime it felt as if he was. As if he was there, listening, silently crying for help, but nobody could heat him. It was truly saddening. Akhera grabbed a foam cup and got some water. Then went to the medicine cabinet to get his medication. He had to take 1000 mg of magic pills to keep his form intact. Those coupled with monster food was what was keeping the vegetative skeleton alive. Thus, two pills in the morning, when he woke up, two pills at night before he fell asleep. She walked back to his room with medicine and water in hand to see his sockets open, a deep blue glowing dimly within them. She smiled gently. "Good morning, Sans." What happened next nearly made her drop everything. His pointer finger moved.


"I swear Dr. Goodwin, he moved. You have to believe me!"
"We shall see when I confirm this, Dr. Evens, but it's highly unlikely. Sans hasn't moved in 3 years. It could've been trick of the mind." Dr. Goodwin entered Sans room. She checked his magic levels before checking for any response. "Mr. Sans, if you can here me, move your finger." Nothing. "Mr. Sans, if you can understand me, move your finger." Nada. She tried one more time. "Mr. Sans, if you can move at all, I would like you to do so now." Still nothing happened. "I'm sorry Dr. Evans, but he never moved, nor will he ever move.. it was a trick of the mind. Perhaps you were still half asleep?" Akhera shook her head. She knew what she saw. "Sans.. can you do it again..? I want to help.. if I can.." The doctors looked once more to the skeleton. Again his pointer finger twitched, just a little, but it was visible. Dr. Goodwin's eyes widened. She was on her phone in an instant. "A vegetative patient moved, we need assistance asap!" She covered the speaker real quick. "Well done, doctor!" Then she left to continue her conversation.


Akhera watched as they tried to diagnose what was wrong with Sans. "WHAT'S GOING ON! WHY CAN'T WE GO IN?!" She heard Papyrus from all the way over on the left wing. For a skeleton, he sure had a voice. They deserved to know what was happening as well. Since she couldn't actually go in at the moment either, she went to explain things to the distressed skeleton and company. "Good morning, everyone."
"Dr. Evens!" Frisk sounded relieved. "What's going on!" Undyne barked. "They won't allow us to see Sans." Asgore murmured. "Is all well?" Toriel worried. Alphys stayed silent, shaking with nerves. "PLEASE TELL ME MY BROTHER IS OK." Papyrus looked absolutely heartbroken and terrified for Sans' well being. "I assure you, he's fine. Maybe even better than. He moved.. well twitched, but it's a good sign nonetheless." Finally Alphys said something. "H-he t-twtched..?" Akhera nodded in confirmation. "They are trying to figure out why right now. That's why you can't go see him yet, but soon!"
"What wonderful news!"


The paramedics left with nothing to show. He hadn't twitched for them, and Akhera felt bad for giving everyone false hope. She'd thought for sure that Sans was getting better. She let Papyrus take Sans to lunch and pretty much just trailed after the group while they spent time with him. Thinking on it now.. Sans hadn't moved for Dr. Goodwin either. Why? Why did he move only for- She paused in her stride. It was a long shot, but for the betterment of everyone, Sans included, it was worth a shot. She jogged to catch up. What if, for some reason, only she could help him. What if, somehow, she was the only one who could make him better? "Sans, twitch your finger if you can understand me." Undyne went to glare, but he twitched. Akhera was getting excited. The crazy theory just might be true! " Sans, twitch your finger if there's anything I can do to help you." He twitched again. This time he didn't stop. Both his hands started twitching as if he were excited himself. As if it was what he'd been waiting for all along. He only stopped when she said: "Then I better get started."


There was only one problem. Akhera had no idea how to help Sans. It's not like he could tell her. He could only twitch. It had made everyone extremely happy to see him, somewhat moving, and happier still when she said she'd help. Now it was a matter of what was she supposed to do to help? She didn't know, but she was filled with patience.

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