The New Patient

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Akhera closed the door to her car as turned to her new place of work. M&H Assisted Living Center. The first ever co-existing assisted care center. Monsters and humans were cared for here, and she was eager to start. The building was a beige color with off white trim. The pillars were a rustic red color. There were large windows, for the patients to look through and a garden in the back for everyone to relax in the sunshine. She gathered her things and headed for the double doors. The inside was decorated with a wood furnished front desk, tables littering the common area with board games and card games. There were two tvs on either side the commons. On the opposite side of the commons was the dining hall. There were three halls leading the patients rooms. Akhera went to front desk. "Tra la la, how may I help you today?" The desk person asked. They wore a black cloak and she couldn't see any sort of features on them. "Uh- I'm Dr. Akhera Evans.. I'm starting here today." They perked. "Tra la la, give me a moment or 10 and I'll get your manager down here."


Akhera decided to meet some of her possible future patients while she waited. She helped out, switching the channel for a nice elderly gentleman, helped a armless monster carry her lunch to a table and help her eat, help a human and monster in their chess match, etc. "Well I see you've made yourself useful, Dr. Evans." She paused, looking to the speaker. It was an aging woman, maybe in her 40s, with long, honey blonde hair, creamy brown eyes, and a friendly smile. "I'm Dr. Goodwin. I'll be training you in today."
"Nice to meet you, Dr. Goodwin." She greeted, shaking her hand. "I'm Dr. Evans.. but you already know that.." Dr. Goodwin chuckled. "Come. I've already got a starter patient for you. He stays in the left wing of the three." Akhera nodded, following after the doctor.


They stopped at room 127. The label underneath the number read 'Sans'. "I hope you're used to monsters. His family visits every day in hopes of him, er, waking up."
"Waking up? He's a coma patient? Isn't that the hospitals thing?" Akhera asked. "Not a coma patient.. he's more of a... a soulless one. He's physically awake. He sleeps and eats, but he can't do it on his own. Thus it makes him our patient." Understanding dawned on Akhera's face. "Oh. So he can't function without his soul."
"Yes. He used it to break the barrier from what I gather." She opened the door and stepped in. "Papyrus, everyone, Sans has a new doctor. This is Dr. Evans, Dr. Evans, this is Sans' family." Akhera stepped in and smiled. "Nice to meet you all." A tall, lanky skeleton stood up. "NICE TO MEET YOU AS WELL, HUMAN. I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS. I HOPE THAT YOU CAN HANDLE HIM, IT SEEMS HUMANS QUIT ON HIM AFTER AWHILE.."
"I assure you, I won't quit." A fish monster sneared at her. "That's what they all say."
"I, for one, keep my promises." She assured. "Well, I'll leave you to it. If you need anything, go to Riverperson. They are the monster you met at the front desk." Dr. Goodwin concluded and left you all alone.


The first thing Akhera did was slip by the others and see her patient. It was safe to say Papyrus was his biological family, seeing as they were both skeletons. Sans was in a white t-shirt and shorts. His sockets were open, empty blackness within. It was intimidating and saddening. His head was facing the tv, Mettaton was on. "Nice to meet you, Sans. I'm your Doctor, Dr.Evans." She greeted despite knowing that he wouldn't answer, he was still awake though, so he could probably hear. How did that work anyway? She checked his schedule. 8 am Wake up, 8:30 breakfast, 9 am recreation in the commons, 10 am walk through the gardens, 12 pm lunch, 1 pm nap, 2 pm tv time, 3 pm recreation in the commons, 4 pm walk through the gardens, 5 pm tv time, 6 pm dinner, 8 pm bed time. "That's very.. repeditive." She couldn't help commenting. "That it is.." A human replied. "I'm Frisk. You'll have to excuse Undyne, she's.. Undyne.."
"Its fine. It'll take more than that to chase me off." She smiled at Frisk.


5:30 visiting time was over. "Let's change things up a little. Repeditive gets boring after all." Akhera took a seat. "Tomorrow I'll bring a book. I guess you'll have to listen to me ramble for the next half hour." She chuckled. "Um.. I guess I'll get you to know a bit about me, since I'll be here awhile and all. My name is Akhera Evans. I'm 26 years old. I have no spouse or kids of my own. Um.. I just got out of school and this is my first day working here. I love helping others and learning. I read on my free time and take walks to clear my head." She continued rambling, checking the time every once in awhile. When 6 rolled around she pulled out his wheel chair and parked it next to the bed. She then picked up the small skeleton and put him in. Was it just her or were his sockets more blue than black? She hummed in thought, pushing him out and to the dinning room.

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