Mission Start!

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When Sans woke up, they had breakfast. After breakfast they sweeped the building. He didn't  react or anything. So they went through the garden and down by the lake. Akhera wondered how he would react, sensing a piece. Would he freak out? Would he be calm? Would he try to touch it, go to it? Would it hurt him? She jerked to a stop. Sans had stopped moving. He was looking out at the water. He took a step towards the water. Then another. Then another. "Wait wait Sans! Hold on!" She stopped him. He tried to push past her. "No, no! Stay! I'll go get it.." Judging by that reaction, there was a piece in the water, somewhere.  She didn't know if Sans could even swim in this state. "Stay.." He looked up at her, looked into her eyes. "I'll get it." Akhera turned to the water. He wasn't following. That was good.. She took of her coat and shoes, wading in. She kept her eyes down on the water, looking for the glow. It came up to her waist. Up to her stomach. Up to her chest. Finally she saw it. The blue glow, just a little deeper in. No doubt passed her head. Good thing she could swim. She dived down and went to collect. She scooped it up in her hands, just as warm as the last piece. She kicked up, swimming for some air. She broke the surface easy, taking huge gulps of air. "Got........ it......"


Akhera looked over to see Sans was no longer waiting. He was going straight to her. She panicked. "SANS NO! STAY PUT! SANS!" He tripped on something in the water and he went under, causing her to panic further. "SANS!" She dove down again, desperate to find him. Stars, where was he! She was forced to surface on occasion for a quick gasp for air before going down again. She found him. His shirt was caught on a piece of drift wood. She tugged and tried to untangle it. The soul piece was tucked into her pants pocket. He locked eyes with her again, she was struggling, she needed air, but he was almost free. She wasn't going to abandon him.


Sans..? POV

My comforter came to help. I was stuck. I was scared. I don't understand. I need the thing! It's calling! I need it! She will help. Something was wrong. The comforter had stilled. She wasn't moving. Something was wrong. I was scared again. Please, please move! I don't understand! Why isn't the comforter moving?! A glow. A glow falling out of her pocket. It's calling. I caught it with magic. I need it. I pulled it near. Maybe it can help. Help the comforter. Help me. It didn't need the assistance of my magic anymore. The first piece came out of my ribcage and they connected. I felt a surge as they went back to my chest. I was.. under water? I looked around, noticing her. Crap she's under water! I brought her to me and tried to swim up, but I was caught. Screw it, I don't need the shirt, I need to get us out of danger. I struggled out of the shirt and surfaced, gasping. I pulled her onto the beach of the lake. She wasn't breathing. What do I do? What do I do! It clicked. Cpr. I do cpr. I started compressions. What even happened? How did I lose my soul? It seemed I only had the magic to keep myself alive and 'grab' my soul pieces with it. I was aware now, but unable to communicate. I had vague memories of Papyrus and the others. That's about it. I lifted her chin and breathed air into her lungs. Restarted compressions. Come on, come on. She coughed and twisted to get the water out.


3rd  POV

She gasped for air and tried to steady her breathing. Akhera looked over to see a shirtless Sans. He watched with a concerned/ relieved expression, faded grey eyelights searching her. Wait, eyelights? She checked her pockets for the piece. He tapped her shoulder to get her attention. Akhera looked at him, then to where he was pointing. "You got it.. that's good." She sighed in relief. He nodded. "Wait- you understand?" He nodded again. "You're comprehension is back.. that's great! The others are going to flip when they see this!" He grinned, nodding. He looked down the gestured to his shirtless self. "Change..?" She guessed. He nodded. "Yeah.. let's go do that." She agreed, grabbing her coat and shoes.


Akhera changed in the bathroom while Sans changed in his bedroom. She knew the extra clothes would come in handy! "You decent?" She called. He opened the door to confirm. She stepped out, putting the coat on. He held out a hand. "Um?" He looked pointedly at her hand. "Oh! Sorry. I really need to get you a pen and paper or something.." Akhera took and shook his hand. "Hi Sans, I'm Akhera." He waved with his right hand. She let go. "They should be here any minute. If you want to relax." He nodded, walking over to his bed. She opened the door. Papyrus was just about to knock. "Just in time, guys. He's very excited to see you."
"HE IS?" Papyrus stepped inside and Sans was cluching him in an instant. It was about what Akhera expected. She let them be, she had a trip to get authorized.

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