The Shard

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It was three weeks, but nothing to show for. Akhera tried to get it approved to get Sans out of the facility, but it was denied. From what you've heard and the information on Sans file, this had started at the barrier, so you'd wanted to take him there to see if something would happen. Perhaps a hint to what happened to his soul. Those hopes were dashed now. "I'm sorry Sans.. I'm trying. Things aren't going well though.." He twitched. She sighed. "Wish I knew what that meant."


Akhera was walking to her apartment after closing up and locking her car. She was getting a bit frustrated, she hated being unable to help. She could tell the others were as well. Undyne was warming up to her at least. She'd lasted longer than the others who've cared for Sans and yielded more results.. at least the was that much. Something glinted at the corner of her eye. She stopped and faced it fully. It was small, glowing. At first she thought it was scrap metal that one of the neighbors dogs might have gotten ahold of. She went to pick it up, but it wasn't scrap metal. One corner was kind of rounded, the rest jagged, but not sharp. It was blue, upon closer inspection, and radiated a soft warmth. She scooped the item up. "What is this..?"


The item.. the shard was in her pocket as she returned to work the next day. She still wasn't sure what it was, but she was sure that it was important. She signed in as the Riverperson greeted her. "Even a fractured soul is still a soul, tra la la~"
"Good morning to you too, Riverperson." She was used to their nonsense. She checked on some things, went to get Sans meds, felt for the shard- where was the shard?! She padded herself down. She knew she'd had it! "W-what the-" Where was it! She retraced her steps. Not a glimpse of it's glow. "Riverperson, have you seen a small, blue, glowing thing?"
"It's left to go right, tra la." They replied. Akhera looked to them. "It's left to go right? Why don't you ever make sense?!" They didn't seem offended in the least. "Sometimes the things that make no sense are the most sensual." That oddly made sense. "Wha-"
"It's left to go right! Tra la la~" She groaned and checked the time. Sans was going to be waking up soon if he wasn't awake already.. she'd have to keep an eye out for it.


"S-sans..?" He.. was sitting up. On his own. Staring at her. With dark, blue sockets. He tilted his head to the side, as if confused. "Holy.." She paged Dr. Goodwin, then checked to see how he was pulling this off. He couldn't seem to understand, but she was used to taking care of him anyway. She checked his stats, which were normal. His magic levels weren't. They were rising steadily, as if he.. had a soul. She went to check, but he grabbed her arm tightly. His expression showed fear. "I won't hurt you.. it's ok, Sans.." He loosened his grip and she pulled his shirt up. There it was.. the shard. It beat quietly, about the area where a soul would be. The Riverperson's nonsense suddenly made a lot of sense. This.. it was a shard of Sans soul. They were scattered, possibly everywhere around the globe! How was she supposed to find them all!? No, no.. Akhera had promised to help, and now that she knew how, she was going to do it.


Once more Akhera was kicked out of Sans room, so she decided to wait for everyone and update them on the circumstances. "IS SOMETHING NEW HAPPENING WITH SANS?" Papyrus asked immediately, upon seeing Akhera waiting for them. "Yes actually. He's moving. Full on moving, grabbing things, etc."
"Yes. The only downside is that he seems.. incoherent? Out of it? He can't understand basic requests.. or anything for that matter. It may only be temporary."
"It's still great news, nonetheless. Thank you, so much, doctor." Frisk hugged her. "I knew you could help him.."
"I've.. only just begun. There's a lot to be done yet."
"S-still.. you d-did more in th-three weeks than o-others have d-done in th-three years.." Akhera rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm nothing special.."
"Bull sh-"
"Undyne, not in here."
"Sorry, ma'am.."
"Of course, anything to help, Papyrus."

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