Happy Day!

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Akhera bit her lip nervously as Mettaton fixed her hair into a frenchbraid bun for the wedding. Was it normal to feel like this when she was about to be married to the most adorable skeleton in the world? This had taken the entire year to plan, they would have been fine with something small, but when Mettaton found out.. She kept still, despite not wanting too. "Can I do your makeup to darling?"
"No." He was luck she was letting him do her hair. She wanted to look like a bride, not a doll. Finally she was able to move. The first thing she did was look out to the view of the ocean. Who's idea was it for them to marry on the beach anyway?


Sans had melted into his chair at the table while Papyrus, Toriel, and Frisk bustled about. Akhera came down herself. She'd been getting ready for work. It was the morning after the proposal and they were both still high on euphoria. "heya, foxy lady~" Sans purred. Everyone turned, startled at the skeletons words. "Hey handsome! You know, after work today we should go to the jewelry store so I can get you a ring too.. I feel bad, it's so gorgeous.." You looked at the ring. Sans sat up. "gorgeous like you~ anyways, i don't need a ring. it's ok. let's save those funds for a later date." She nodded, realizing he was referring to the wedding. "..."
"...OH MY STARS WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN AND WHY WASN'T I THERE FOR THIS!!" Papyrus pointed dramatically at the ring. "yesterday."
"During the pun war."
"more like towards the end of the pun war."
"See mom! I knew we should have stayed!" Frisk was absolutely extatic. "We could have seen it!"
"I think.. it was better this way. Congratulations to the both of you."
"This is our little secret."
"we want undyne and alphys to figure it out on their own."
"Not ready for hard-core shipping mode yet."
"Like in the movies." They duo shrugged. It didn't sound like a bad idea.


Right. It was Papyrus' idea. She looked down at her [F/C] dress. At least that stayed the same. She couldn't do fancy dresses. There was a knock. "You ready, [Y/N]?" She crossed the room and opened the door. "Let's go, dad." Akhera's father walked her through the boat house and down to the isle. The sun was just setting, painting a beautiful picture. Sans was waiting, in a real tux this time, not just a shirt. It was grey with a blue undershirt and black tie. He looked amazing as always. "I can't believe my little girl is getting married.." Akhera smiled to her dad. "To the best skeleton in the world, I assure you." She promised. "Then we better not keep him waiting. The pair started down the isle as the wedding music started, excited whispering was the only thing she could hear as she walked down. She ignored that though. He soul focus was on her husband to be. Sans. There were literal hearts in his eyes as she approached she nearly laughed at it. Why'd Sans have to be so.. adorable. Her father passed her on to her husband. "Take good care of her."
"i will." The processions started, but she wasn't really listening. Her soul was pounding. She was so excited. This was really happening.


"I-is this really happening? A-are you two really getting m-married?" Alphys demanded to know. It didn't take long for the weeb to notice the ring. "it is."
"Well who asked!?" Undyne demanded. "Him."
"[Y/N]!" Undyne went silent, turned around, and started sprinting. When she thought she was far enough away she screamed. "IT'S ABOUT TIME THAT SKELETON GREW A PAIR!!!"
"Ignore her." Alphys had been squealing the entire time.


"And now for the vows." Akhera had focused back in, just in time. "akhera, i don't think I've ever thanked you for everything you've done for me.. for loving me, caring for me, saving my soul.. or as much of it as we could.." He laughed a little. "i wanna thank you for all that and more. i want to give you the same love and compassion you give me. i vow to care for you, to love you, to protect you. always." He's definitely been practicing. "W-wow.. there's no topping that.. um. Sans. I vow to love you always. I vow to care for you if ever needed again, and even if you don't. I vow to keep you from all harm. I vow to give it my all to keep you and our family safe and happy." She concluded, not knowing what else to say. With a gesture from Asgore, a cousin of hers brought up the rings. "thanks lil tike." Sans took Akhera's ring and slipped it on her finger. "Thanks Tike." She took Sans' ring and slipped it on his phalange. "And with the exchanges complete, by the power invested in me as the ex King of the Underground, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sans, you may kiss your bride." No hesitation as the now married couple pulled each other into a deeply satisfying kiss.

2 chapters left

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