3 Simple Words

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They caught Sans up on a lot of things the next morning. Last night they'd all simply enjoyed the movie night. "Let's see.. mom and dad are a thing again."
"really? since when?"
"Last year. Oh! And Alphys proposed to Undyne, still setting up wedding planning."
"i thought that would go the opposite direction, but good an al." Said dino squeaked and shied away. "And I think Papyrus and Mettaton are a thing." At that, Sans sockets went dark. "w h e r e ' s t h a t d a m n e d b u c k e t o f b o l t s ?"
"Sans no." Akhera put a hand on his shoulder. "sans yes."
"Don't forget tonight." His eyelights flickered back to life as he looked to her. "i didn't forget."
"Tonight?" Toriel asked. We both looked at each other and blushed. It was a lot easier to be confident when it just her and Sans. Alphys had her shipping face on again. "Ah my stars, you didn't.." Sans shook his head. "i didn't." Everyone's faces fell in unison. "she did."
"Sans!" Akhera squeaked. "When?!" Undyne asked. "Tonight. At 7." She replied with all the confidence she could muster."
"So cute!"
"I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BROTHER!" Breakfast became alot happier.


It was 6:30 and Akhera couldn't figure out what to wear. What did she even have to wear? She dug through her closet for something presentable. "No dresses? No anything?" She groaned and went to her dresser. Something.. something.. something.. that'll do. It was a simple black long sleeve shirt that faded into a navy blue on the sleeves. She found a pair of black leggings to compliment it and blue and white sneakers. She threw her brunette hair up into a fishtail braid. She felt a bit weird without her coat. She but an just a bit of eyeshadow. It's all she needed. She clipped on her charm bracelet. It had three charms. One was a tree meaning family. A knot tie meaning friendship. The last was a heart symbolizing love. "I should've gotten a charm for luck.." She left her room and to everyone else. Sans was in black pants, blue sneakers, a t-shirt tux, and his blue jacket. She rolled her eyes. "Very nice Sans. A mix of casual and and fancy." He looked over and turned into a blueberry. "YOU LOOK VERY NICE AS WELL, [Y/N]. I'VE NEVER SEEN SANS THAT BLUE BEFORE."
Toriel was chuckling. "It is quite an amusing sight."
"I think Sans outdoes any light bulb!" Frisk laughed.


Akhera drove Sans to the popular restaurant. "Ok here we ar-" His eyelights were stars. "i missed this place so much.."
"You know this place?" So much for it being new to both of you. "grillby's. went here every day in the underground.. how'd you know this was my favorite place?" Note to self: this is Sans favorite restaurant. "I didn't, I've just been wanting to dine here for awhile and figured it'd be a great place for a first date."
"you were right. c'mon! grillbs is the best friend a guy could have, hands down." Sans led you inside, and to a couple of bar stools. There was an do not use sign on one. Sans disregarded it, taking the stool anyway. "Can you do that?"
"this has, and always will be, my stool. nobody, not even grillby, is gonna kick me outta it."
"Tough words man. You really should respect the bar keep." We turned to the sound of a human. He looked unimpressed. "look man, i'm good friends with the bar keep. he knows this is my stool."
"Get out of it. That sign was there for a reason."
"i really don't wanna fight pal. i'm on a date."
"Bring your date elsewhere."
"all due respect-"
"If you do respect, you'll-"
"Hey Grillby, can we have menus!" She called, in hopes of stopping something before it started.


A flame monster stepped out of the back. "Apologies, miss. Here you are- Sans? Y-you're better?"
"This prick won't move." The human argued. "Stand down, Mr. Sather. It's Sans seat. He has every right to sit in it." The human gawked, but argued no further. "You'll have to forgive Mr. Sather. He's a stickler for rules."
"it's ok. thanks for the save, akhera."
"Not a problem."
"Who's your friend, Sans?"
"I'm Akhera Evans, his date and possibly girlfriend." She shook the flame monsters hand. "Keep an eye on him, and best of luck on your date!" Grillby retreated to give the pair privacy.


The date was going excellent. Sans actually remembered everything that Akhera told him when keeping him company and he told her about himself. She'd ordered a burger while he got himself a ketchup. She decided not to question the strange skeleton. "Oh my stars! Of course you would do that!"
"heh heh heh. yeah, pap wasn't sure whether to laugh or be upset when he rubbed it into his skull the next day, but at least he smelled like mint." Apparently Sans had replaced Papyrus' special MTT skull cream with toothpaste once. It sounded hilarious. "Oh I'm sure!" It was getting later in the night now and Akhera and Sans were the last two at Grillby's other than the elemental himself. "akhera?"
"Yeah Sans?" He sounded a little nervous. "is it to early to say.. i love you?" It was three simple words, but they meant the world to her. "uh.. i've loved you for awhile, actually. i don't know when i started feeling this way, but.." She giggled. "Me either. I love you too." Sans leaned in and placed his teeth on hers in a small, tender kiss. She kissed back. "The bar closes soon.. call it a night?" Sans nodded. "i had a great time."
"Me too.. I love you."
"i love you too."

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