First Words

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"Wait, find the rest of his soul?" It was Frisk who asked. "That's what we're doing, right Sans?" Akhera looked to the skeleton who immediately strated writing in the notebook. They wouldn't let me leave. My soul has been scattered around the left face of the mountain and the Underground when the barrier broke. I'll show you if ya don't believe us. "..." Undyne processed this information. "THAT'S.. HOW YOU'VE BEEN GETTING BETTER?" Papyrus asked slowly. Sans nodded. "For some reason only I can collect them.. hasn't been easy, but I made a promise." She walked a little deeper into the castle. "Where to next?" Sans quickly took the lead. This way.


We entered a rather beautiful golden hall. The rest had decided to tag along, hoping to help in some way. Then he stopped. Frisk shivered. That's where he always stood when he was judging. Sans looked up. Akhera's eyes followed. The piece was just there, free floating. "Do you really need my help to get that?" She wasn't really looking forward to climbing. He shook his and went to use magic on it.. only for it to vibrate and dissappear. "What- that never happened before?! Where'd it go?!" It used a shortcut. "A shortcut?" Sans started after it, with Akhera following behind. "Your soul just loves a challenge, doesn't it?" You have no idea. We chased the teleporting piece through New Home. Once we left MTT's it completely disappeared again. "Where is it trying to lead us?" Dunno. It's at the C.O.R.E now. "The giant magical powerplant?" He nodded. "Wonderful." What had she signed up for. She sighed and pushed on. "Let's go catch that soul piece."


They all walked through the depowered C.O.R.E. It was dark, gloomy, and plain. With nothing working, we had to rely on Alphys' electricity abilities to get doors open and such. We just got to a maze of catwalks when Toriel spotted the piece. "Doctor! Over there!" It was floating between two catwalks. "I'm going to get it. Stay here." If to much weight was on those catwalks, chances were that everyone would fall into the magma. The only way she'd be able to get it before teleported off was to jump and catch it. Hopefully she would land on another. She swallowed thickly. She was scared, but she'd already nearly drown and stuck her hand in a fox den, so why not this too? Akhera.. what are you planning? She didn't answer the written question. She ran for it and jumped. Her soul pounded and blood roared in her ears as she came closer, only for the piece to dissappear again. On top of that, she was coming up short. She wasn't going to make it. Oh shiiiii- Ping. She stopped. She looked down at the magma, then up at Sans who was using magic to hold her. He looked mad and relieved. Mostly relieved. With a swift motion, Akhera was brought up and put down. Sans started scribbling furiously. OF ALL THE STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE THINGS YOU'VE DONE, THIS WAS THE WORST! YOU WERE GOING TO DIE, AKHERA!! WHAT IF I HADN'T HAD MY MAGIC TO SAVE YOU?! YOU'D BE GONE! DEAD! FOREVER! AND I COULDN'T LIVE WITH MYSELF KNOWING THAT HAPPENED! THAT IT HAPPENED BECAUSE OF ME! BECAUSE I CARE. "Oh.. Oh.. I'm so sorry, Sans.. I- I just wanted to help.. I'll be more careful, jeez Sans, don't cry.." His brows furrowed in confusion and he reached up to feel tears. He hadn't even realized. She hugged the poor scared skeleton. He hesitantly hugged back. Alphys took a picture to ship later.


The search was on once more. Everyone made it the rest of the way through the C.O.R.E and through Hotland. Waterfall was so beautiful. So tranquil. She'd love to come down here again sometime to explore. They'd all made it to this flower puzzle. Frisk, Undyne, and Papyrus were gathering the flowers for the puzzle. Sans was looking toward nothing in particular. "That way?" Akhera asked. He nodded and pointed. Frisk go the message. She put the flower down and it floated down, stopping at the shore. "Frisk!" Undyne complained. "Now we have to start all over again!"
"He says it's down there." Frisk replied. "There's nothing down there though?" Still, Undyne and Papyrus lined their flowers up with Frisk's and they bloomed. Sans was the first across, with Akhera right behind him. It was a small room with a bench and a glowing blue flower. The piece floated next to the flower. Sans caught it, finally, and drew it to himself. His soul came out of his chest, everyone watching as the piece fused with the ever growing soul chunk. He sighed audibly. "Looks like we're almost there." Akhera commented. He nodded. "a-al-m-most.." He winced, rubbing his neck, but Akhera was gushing. "Oh my stars! Your first word! I'm so proud!" He couldn't help but crack a smile. "'s a b-bit un-com-mforble. er.. ch-choppy. fr-from l-lack a u-use." She put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll get better." He nodded. "i know."

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