Full Soul

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It had taken awhile for Honey to trust everyone. Nev and Papyrus got along great, often playing in the back yard. Toriel had invited her with pie, and Frisk was always friendly, so they were some of the only people she trusted in her house. She trusted Papyrus, do to his kindness towards Nev, and she trusted Sans and Akhera because they kept her and her brother together. Undyne was a bit to rough for either child's liking, so that would take more time. Asgore had been traveling to other countries to bring the peace of monsters across the globe, so he didn't even know they were here yet. Alphys.. well.. poor kids were terrified of the shy scientist due to their past. Likewise the were huddled on the steps now, because Alphys was in the living room with everyone else. Akhera looked worriedly at Sans.


"YOU KNOW.. SANS AND I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE AFRAID OF DOCTORS." Sans head snapped to Papyrus, who was looking at the children. "papyrus..?" The younger continued. "MY FIRST THREE YEARS OF LIFE, WE LIVED IN A CAGE. EVERY DAY A BAD SCIENTIST WOULD COME AND TAKE SANS WAY, AND HE'D ALWAYS RETURN HURT OR UNCONSCIOUS." Sans looked down. Akhera put a hand on his back. "so.. you remember all that.. huh?" Papyrus nodded while everyone else looked horrified. "Y-you were m-medically a-abused?" Sans nodded. "a long time ago. pap seems to remember more than i do.. might be because a piece of my soul is still missing." He shrugged. "it's probably for the better, honestly.. i remember.. it took a long time for me to trust you as well.. was afraid i'd get hurt again. but, i know your not bad, al. you're a good one." He looked over to Honey and Nev. "but there are still bad ones out there.."


The children had come down a few more steps. Nev whimpered a bit, while Honey's ears went down. "H-how do you tell.. if the scientist if good or bad..?"
"you'll know in their demeanor. are they nice to people? mean to people? cold? distant? alphys is a nice and bright scientist who gets nervous easily, and that's ok. she loves anime and can go on for hours about it." Sans mused, making the scientist blush. "Anime? Like SAO?!" Nev's tail was going. "S-sword Art Online?! I s-started it not to long ago!"
"Me too!" He came down the rest of the steps only to stop and look at Honey. She darted in the opposite direction. "Honey?" His tail stopped wagging and drooped. "It will take time, Nev." Akhera sighed. She'd hoped that maybe she'd give Alphys a shot, at least. Then Honey came down with a tin box. With it, she walked over to Sans. "Nev found this in the lab yard. We didn't know what it was, just that they couldn't have it. It's yours." Sans was rather confused, until he took the tin.


"Sans? What's in it?" Akhera asked. "the last piece.. i-i couldn't sense it, but when i grabbed it.. it's in here." Sans breathed. "What're you going to do?" She asked. He shook his head. "i can't let the player out.."
"But.. what if the barrier destroyed the Player, Sans?" Frisk reasoned. "I know you're scared, but can you really continue with only part of a soul?"
"for everyone's sake, yes. i.. can't." Honey's tail lashed. "I give you a gift and you're refusing it?!"
"honey, kiddo, it's complicated.." She narrowed her eyes. "I'll give you complicated." She snatched the tin from Sans. "honey!" The tin was already opened though, the final piece making it's way to Sans. The finally piece sealed in place and everyone waited with baited breath for something bad to happen... but nothing happened. Satisfied, the elder child walked away purring.


"i.. don't feel them.. the player." Nev wagged. "Maybe it was what Frisk said?"
"NEVER MIND THAT, SANS! YOUR SOUL IS WHOLE!" Sans and Akhera laughed breathlessly. "Your whole!"
"i-i am.." He was grinning with excitement and relief. "i'm whole, my soul it's full!" Papyrus started giving out hugs. "Don't forget to thank the children!"
"thanks nev!" Nev took Sans hand. "Thank Honey, not me!" They rushed up the stairs after her.

And there we have it, from no soul to a whole soul. That's the end. What happens from there is up to you, dear reader. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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