Mission End

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She did get fired.. Akhera was fired, but at least she wasn't put in jail. Sans signed himself out of the system. Nobody even questioned that. "Tra la la have a great day~" Was all the Riverperson said. It worked well enough, she supposed. Still.. "Now how am I going to pay rent?" It'd been the last thing on her mind at the time. "YOU CAN ALWAYS STAY WITH US WHILE YOU FIND A NEW JOB?" Oh Papyrus sweet, kind soul. "Really?"
"We'd be happy to have ya!" Undyne agreed. "You can watch me beat the crap out of Sans!"
"no thanks. but sure, could always use another pal in the house." Sans grinned up at her. She fought back a blush. "And another human." Frisk nodded. "Wait- you all live in the same house?"
"Of course, doctor. Is that strange?" She shook her head quickly. "No, no.. I'm just wondering how big this place is.."


It was big. Their place was big, huge! "How do you afford this!"
"In the Underground, monster currency was gold." That.. explained a lot. "So.. all monsters are rich."
"filthy rich i guess." Sans was looking at the building with just as much shock and awe as she was. Right. This was his first time here as well. "i already miss our little house in snowdin.."
"Aw." She hugged the skele who looked away blushing. "Don't be intimidated by it's size!"
"Uh-Oh. Alphys has her shipping face on." Frisk commented, making Akhera realize how unprofessional she was being at the moment. She let go immediately, straightening herself up and clearing her throat. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me.."
"heh- i-it's ok, akhera.. uh.. a hug never hurt anybody.." Sans was rubbing his vertebrae. "Babe don't." Undyne warned Alphys who looked like she was about to explode. Toriel and Asgore had these knowing smiles on. "Er-"
"WHY YOU'RE RIGHT, BROTHER!" Papyrus interrupted before she could ask what they were going on about, picking Sans up off the ground in a hug. "HUGS HURT NOBODY! IN FACT! I FIND THAT THEY HELP ALOT! ESPECIALLY IN MATTERS LIKE YOURS AND AKHERA'S!" Wat? Sans was literally turning blue now. "i don't know what your-"
"Subtle Pap, subtle." Undyne sweat dropped. A-affection? A-as in.. him and her? Her and him? Together? A couple? Them? She recalled that point earlier this morning, he'd written down that he cared. Was there a double meaning to that? And he'd been crying too.. he'd moved, only for her. He was calm around her. He'd come to her for help. How.. how hadn't she seen it before?


She was looking around while Sans spent time with the others. It's been so long, after all. She used this time to think. He wasn't the only one. The more she thought on her journey, their journey, the more she realized that it wasn't because is was her duty as his caretaker. She'd started to fall for him. She couldn't be sure when. Could've been when he saved her from drowning, Could've been when he came to her in that dream, Could've been when they escaped the Assisted living center. She enjoyed taking care of him, reading to him, talking to him. She'd been overjoyed when he could talk or even just write back. So if this was the case. They had 'affections', as Papyrus had called it, for each other.. what was her next move? She had a lot of free time on her hands now, as did he. What was next? A date, she supposed. They could go on a date. Where? Grillby's, she heard, was a great mixed species restaurant with a warm inviting atmosphere. "Step one, find Sans."
"neat, what's step two?"
"Ah!" Akhera jumped and spun around to see Sans, also startled, behind her. "s-sorry. didn't intend ta scare ya.."
"It's ok.. um.. step two? Ask you on a date.. I guess." He grinned a little. "oh? well i'm waiting then." She rolled her eyes at him. He winked. "Sans.. will you go out on a date with me tomorrow night?"
"why tomorrow?"
"So you can have time with your brother and the others. They missed you alot, you know."
"ah. guess that makes sense. sure, i'll go on a date with you."
"7 work?"
"So.. what next?" Sans shrugged. "movie night?"
"Why not."

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