Before you read...

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In this story, I will be using my OC, ✎Setsuna Kayama✎, who is Midnight's daughter. I just want you to see her character profile before you start the story.

P.S - I'm the one who drew it... not like you care

P.P.S - Let me know if she looks anything like Midnight

P.P.P.S - It's in black and white

Sorry if you can't see it that well:

Sorry if you can't see it that well:

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(I know, I know, I'm a bad artist)

Hero costume: 

- Clothes designed by her own mother 

- A mini skirt

- Boots

-A utility belt with grenades filled with her breath (you'll understand why later) and medical supplies. 

- A small (and big) whip as a homage to her mother, Midnight.

- An electrical eyeglass thingy to keep track of her quirk

- Black part of her costume, yellow, white is white and grey is transparent

Average Clothing:

Pyjamas - A simple white t-shirts with red, patterned trousers and a ponytail.

School - ... Do I really need to explain this to you?

Casual - A pink crop-top with shorts.


Hair - First, her hair was blue, but then she bleached it white, then dyed it a creamy yellow. Because she barely has any time to herself, she doesn't dye her hair often, eventually, nearly all the yellow disappeared, all that's left are the ones on the tips of her hair.

Skin - Skin colour?

Eyes - Blue, like Midnight's

Fave colour - Black

Other stuff you guys probably don't care about:

Age: 15 (or 16, depending on Deku's age)

Birthday: March 15th

Blood type: O

Height: 153 cm

Likes: Sushi, Sleep-overs

Hero name: Snooze

Quirk: You'll find that out soon, I promise.


Unlike my last fanfiction, I will actually be able to complete it this time, and I will be having a schedule for each chapter release.

Also unlike my last fanfic, Kaminari and Jirou will be getting a 'happily ever after'

Other than the prologue, each chapter should be published in 2-3 days  (because I always like to do things on time) after the last one, depending on how much work I have to do.

This is not a sequel to my last fanfic (go check it out, it's called smile), but a completely new story about Kamijirou.

Maybe, just maybe, I might do a fanfic for all the ships (or AU) I like, who knows?

Now that that's out of the way, enjoy the fanfic!

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