~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣~

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⚡Kaminari's POV

After Setsuna pulled me away from Kyo, we went to a private place at the back of the school, I wonder what she wanted to talk to me about. 

"So... it's obvious that you love Kyoka." She began, even though I already told her this, she seemed to know before I even told her.

"I-is it really that obvious?" I stutter, praying that Kyoka didn't know either.

"Yes, but you need to make it obvious to her if you want to confess your feelings to her." 

"How do I do that?" I ask.

Setsuna pulled out two tickets to an upcoming rock concert.

"If you want to confess to her, you have to speak her language." She beamed.

🎵Jirou's POV🎵

The next day, after school, I rushed straight to the dorms. I didn't want to have any human interactions with anyone anymore. I was too busy figuring out what these emotions were. If I want to be the best hero I can be, I need to find a way to deal with these feelings before they get out of hand. 

Suddenly, my head encountered a brick wall (at least, that is what I thought it was), I tumble back on the ground and peer up to see what (or who) I crashed into. And you'll never believe who it was...


"Woah! You okay, Kyo? you took a pretty nasty fall!" He went down on one knee and closely examined my face in a sign for an injury... a little too close.

I scoot back, far, far, far away from him. 

"Watch where you're going!!" I yell.

"...but... I was standing still..."

"JUST... SHUT UP!!" I got off from the ground and dusted myself off. I really have to control my emotions, they're resurfacing again.

"You seemed stressed Kyo." He looked at me with a worried look.


"I just... have a lot on my plate." I sigh. 

"Do you... wanna talk about it?"

"Nah, it's something I need to handle on my own..."

"...can I at least try to take your mind off of it?"

"By what?"

He pulled out two tickets to a new concert coming in Japan. I gasp, thinking I would faint on the spot. I've been begging my parents to buy me it, but they said it was too expensive, boy, were they right!! 

Even with all the fundraising stuff I've been doing over the holidays, it still wasn't enough, even the nosebleed sections were expensive!!

"How... when..."

"I have my secrets." He winked, "wanna go with me?"

"YES!! OF COURSE!!" I shout a little too loudly.

"Great! I'll text you the details!" He winked as he stood up and walked away.

It took me a while to process what just happened, but when I did, I finally realised something horrifying...

I'm basically going on a date... WITH KAMINARI!!

I need to do my hair, wear something nice, smell good... I NEED THE GIRLS!!

I swiftly pulled out my phone and began texting.

Punk Rock🎶 - Mina come see me rn! (sent 3:45)

Alien Queen👽👑 - Why? (sent 3:49)

Punk Rock🎶 - NVM that, just get your ass over here! (sent 3:50)

Alien Queen👽👑 - kk geez (sent 3:53)

Ashido is always the one fantasizing about romance and talking about ships, if she can't help me, no one can!

👽Mina's POV👽

I've been stalking Setsuna for what seems like about 48 hours. Based on the info on my log and data reports, it seems like she spent about 49% of her day talking to Kaminari, 50% training hard and the remaining 1% is the time she has to herself... AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE DOING MATHS!! 

Oh well, I'm doing all for the ships, FOR THEM SHIPS!!

Anyways, this girl is hardcore.

Based on the way she acts around Kaminari and the way she looks at him, I can tell this girl is absolutely NOT interested in Kaminari in any romantic way. But, that leads to another question, why does she spend so much time with him. She's spending way more time with him in a day than Kiri and Mineta do in a week!

What can she gain?

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Damn! I thought I put it on silent.

Setsuna quickly turned around, thankfully, I ducked behind a nearby bush and checked my phone.

Jirou? What does she want?

Punk Rock🎶 - Mina come see me rn! (sent 3:45)

I swiftly looked around, maybe she saw me spying on Setsu and wanted to punish me!! I shiver at that thought... maybe... it's something else...

Alien Queen👽👑 - Why? (sent 3:49)

Punk Rock🎶 - NVM that, just get your ass over here! (sent 3:50)


Kyoka doesn't use a no no word unless something big must've happened, like a date for example... a date... DID KAMINARI ASK HER OUT!?!

I nearly said all of this out loud, because of this, I was nearly caught by the target.

I briskly replied.

Alien Queen👽👑 - kk geez (sent 3:53)

I comando crawl my way out of the bush and into the dormitory, I can't wait to sip all the juicy tea!!

I placed my phone in a loose pocket in my shorts and quickly head over to her dorms.

🥦Midoriya's POV🥦

As Ashido made her way to the dorms, I was glad that she did notice me stalking her, stalking, Kayama. As she comando crawled her way out of the bush, I noticed something glistening in the distance, I carefully tiptoed over to the grass, making sure Kayama doesn't notice me and picked it up, there, lying on the grass was Ashido's phone.

I know it may be bad to look into someone's private life, especially online, but a close friend's feelings are on the line, I can't imagine anything worse!! Surprisingly, Ashido didn't have a password to her phone, which could be very dangerous. I quickly skimmed and scanned all her contacts and noticed that Jirou was one of the latest that popped up.

As I read their conversation, my instincts were screaming at me, telling me that this was somehow a clue to what the shipping team are going to do. I need to stop them before anyone gets hurt!! 

"Hey, Deku!" A voice suddenly chirped.

I turn around to see Kayama happily skipping to me.

"Do you want to come to this concert, you can bring a friend if you like, so far Kaminari, Jirou and I are going," She beamed, handing me two tickets.

"Sure... thanks," I mumble.

Suddenly, it hit me. 

Kayama could probably be a part of the shipping team, and they're trying to set Kaminari and Jirou up so they can confess their feelings to each other! Kaminari might get rejected!! 

I need to stop this after I go over to Jirou's dorm!!

Is It Jealousy? - 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜𝓊 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now