~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩~

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❤️Momo's POV❤️

It's been weeks since Setsuna invited me to a concert, and I still haven't decided on who to bring. I wanted to bring Todoroki, but for some reason, there was this burning feeling inside of me that didn't want to, but also did at the same time.

Ashido and Jirou are already going... so... what now?

Tsuyu? Nah, she's pretty busy taking care of her younger siblings already, I don't want to disturb her for recreational activities, family is more important, after all.

Hagakure? Nah, she's probably spending time with her boyfriend, Ojirou.


... Yes! Perfect! I don't think she's busy, and this could be some quality bonding time between the two of us! We aren't really close, but I want us to at least get into the first-name basis memo. 

I rushed over to her dorm room with newfound excitement, this is going to be a... what do commoners call it again? Ah, yes, Girls' Day Out!! 

As I knock on her door, it took longer than normal for her to open it. When she did, I was petrified at the state she was in. It didn't look like she showered yet and her hair was still messy and unkempt, but what scared me the most was her big, red puffy eyes.

She was probably crying.

"Ochaco, are you okay?"

"Yeah! Why would you say that?"

It was obvious she was lying, like Midoriya, she is a horrible liar.

"You're obviously not, Ochaco, I don't like it when my fellow classmates lie to me like that."

"... I know, Yao-momo... I just... don't wanna talk about it..."

"Uraraka, you do realise not talking about your feelings can result in disastrous emotions and outbursts. It is unhealthy to keep feelings that hurt us in any way under wraps or bottled up," I lectured.

"I know... it's just difficult to put it into words..."

"Say it in any way you like!"

It must've been my imagination, but it seemed like she was blushing a bit, a boy, perhaps?

 "It's okay! It's not really important!! I should be asking you why you're here!" She beamed.

It was obviously a fake smile and she was trying to dodge the question. It was obvious she didn't want to talk about it with me, someone like Tsuyu would probably be best for a scenario like this, that's exactly why we need to strengthen our relationship.

So, I played along.

"I wanted to invite you to a concert, Setsuna gave me it and said I could invite one other person, so I chose you. So far, her, Kaminari, Kyoka, Midoriya, Mina and I are going, we just need one more person."

She looked as if she was about to faint.


"Really, they're very cheap to me."

"WHAT IS YOUR LIFE!?! OF COURSE, I'LL GO!!" She exclaimed as she snatched the ticket out of my hands. 

"Great! We'll be going on a bus tonight, I'll text you the details!"

I smiled as I walked off to my dorm, I need something to wear, something... how do these commoners say it again?

Is It Jealousy? - 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜𝓊 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now