~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥~

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Kaminari's POV

All right.

Now's the right time.

I've been bombing hints all over her this entire time, she isn't dumb, so she's bound to figure it out. All I need to do is to directly say it in front of her.

"So... what did you want to talk about?"

I take a deep breath in and out, hoping Ashido was right about her feelings for me.

"Kyo, there's something I've always wanted to tell you, ever since I got to know you."

I stutter, feeling the temperature in my face rise up.


"W-well, I-I... I wanted to say y-you're amazing..." I start.

"Yeah, obviously," She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yeah," I chuckle. "And I just-"

"JIROUUUUUUUU," I suddenly hear a bubbly voice cry out.

"I just remembered that you wanted to talk about something, it seemed really important." Uraraka panted.

"Oh, yeah!" Kyo turned around to meet my face, "Sorry bro, I gotta go, yo?" She said, holding up the peace sign.

We all know what that means, I sigh internally.

"So, go." I plastered on a fake smile, returning the wretched peace sign.

I fell on my knees internally screaming to myself in disappointment as Jirou left with Uraraka. So much with a confession!!


Does... Jirou...

Does Jirou even like me?

📣Annoying Announcement Guy's POV (Aka President Mic)📣

"For those who don't know (I bet you don't because I made it up), when Kyoka said 'Sorry bro, I gotta go, yo?' and held up the peace sign, it was a faster way of saying, 'I really have to go now, I know what you're about to say is important, but this is more important than whatever you were about to say, no harm feelings, right?' But the author didn't write this because she was too lazy to."

"When Kaminari said 'So, go' and also held up the peace sign, not only does it rhyme, but it easily translates into, 'No feelings harmed, do what you hafta do'."

"Are you sure you aren't talking to anyone?" Erasure head asked with a suspicious look on his face.

"Will I ever lie to you, Shota?" I reply, innocently.

🎵Jirou's POV🎵

As Ochaco lead me away from Pikachu, I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to talk about. Whatever it was, I could feel my heart suddenly turning into a drum, with a high tempo. It sounded like a confession...


"Jirou, you alright? You seem red," She pointed out.

"I-I'm f-f-f-fine!" I lie.

She suddenly let out a huge fit of laughter.

"You remind me of cute, little Deku. The way he stutters is sooo adorable!" She swooned.

I smirked, if I was Ashido, I would have said, 'IT'S LOVE!' and then run away quickly before she could tackle me.

"Anyways, what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

I began to vent out all my feelings onto her, I couldn't stop the words from falling out of my mouth. For some sentences, I was surprised I even said them.

Was this all the stuff hidden at the very back corners of my head?

"I see." Ochaco began after I finished ranting.

"I can relate, I feel the same way towards Deku." She said as I saw a tint of redness on the tips of her ears.


I beg you!

"I think it's-"


"-a deep admiration for the person!!" She smiled.


"You admire their personalities and appearance so deeply, that you try to model them. They're basically your role model!"

A/n: Mind you that Ochaco is still in denial...

Oh. So that's it.

I admire Pikachu.

...how shameful...

"Don't feel bad!" Uraraka smiled when she saw my frightened expression.

"I admire Deku, and he's always a stuttery, clumsy crybaby! I honestly find that cute!" She giggled.

I smile.

"Thanks, Uraraka!" 

I finally understand! I admire Kaminari, for his selflessness and deep care for his classmates.

...but... why do I feel so much hate whenever Setsuna's around him?

I don't think Ochaco can answer this one, because she is also suffering from the same problem when Hastume is too close to Midoriya.

"C'mon guys!" Setsuna suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "The bus is leaving soon, we don't want to leave you behind!!"

"Coming!" Uraraka answered.

I suddenly felt my face rival a tomato, did Setsuna...

...did Setsuna listen to our conversation?

🤍Setsuna's POV💛

I can't believe I just listened to their conversation!! Jirou is gonna kill me!

I really hope they didn't listen. 

It seems like Kyo is still in denial, so is Ocha. 


Just very sad.

What's the worst that can happen... other than the hanahaki disease...

But everyone knows that that ain't real!



As we all boarded the bus, I replayed their conversation in my head and texted to my part-time job, the Shipping HQ (which be called SHQ).

I've been a faithful servant to the shipping industry for over 10 years now, they basically sort out ships of the fandom, organizes ones that actually make sense, makes sense but doesn't sail, doesn't make any sense at all or are just flat out disgusting.

The ones that do make sense are handed out to different Shipping Teams (which will be called ST) and it is their duty to make the ship sail in about a year. This might seem pointless, but we're actually saving humanity.

Think about it, we need babies to continue the next generations, without them, the world will cease to exist.

Soooo... yeah... logic.

The leader of my ST is none other than Mina Ashido, so I'll also have to report to her and her right-hand man, Shoto Todoroki. The four of us will make Kamijirou set sail.


Note: "For them ships" is like a catchphrase for them, kinda like Plus Ultra.

Is It Jealousy? - 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜𝓊 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now