~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖~

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👽Mina's POV👽

"So, why did you call me?" I ask, stepping into Jirou's room. 

"I... need help..." She whimpered.

Boy. Her room was an utter mess.

Shirts, shorts, jeans, socks, shoes, all scattered across the room.

"Kaminari asked me out on a date, I need advice, asap!" She pleaded.

I knew it!! My shipping instincts never lie! I better report this to Shipping HQ!

"I'm so happy for you, Kyoka!! What type of date is it?"

"An outgoing one, he's taking me to a concert every aspiring artist dreams to go," She swooned, with blushes appearing on her cheeks.

Woah. I guess the key to Jirou's heart is music!

"In that case, you shouldn't worry about dressing all fancy, casual is definitely the way to go!"

"Really? Cause... there's this... feeling inside of me... screaming at me that I have to look good in front of him..."

This could only mean one thing...

"Tell me more about this feeling," I ask, feeling a smirk coming its way onto my face.

"I feel... at peace whenever he's around... all... flustered and that... even though he's a pain and an idiot... there are times where I think the things he does and says are c-c-cute and-"

She kept and rambling about Kaminari for 3 minutes. I just kept nodding and listening, smirking my 'my-ship-is-so-gonna-sail' smirk. 

After she was done she finally asked the question I've always wanted to hear from the other girls, "What is this feeling?"

"I'm honestly not sure," I lied, "but my advice is to follow whatever feeling your heart has.

Now, I'm pretty sure you're wondering why I didn't say "IT'S LOVE!!" like I did to Ochaco. Well, the thing is that I am 100% certain that Kaminari likes her back, so I want him to say it with his own words, not me.

I am 50% certain that Midoriya likes Uraraka back, how? He's a total tomato when it comes to girls. 

As I leave the room, in the corner of my eye, I could see a ginormous piece of broccoli, that could only mean one thing, 


🥦Midoriya's POV🥦

After I confirmed that Ashido was inside Jirou's room, I tiptoed to the door, I saw a small opening between the hinges and the door, so I peeked inside. 

I honestly felt kind of dirty sneaking into the girl dorms and peeking inside their rooms, but for Kaminari to avoid heartbreak, sacrifices needed to be made.

At first, they began talking about girly stuff that I'll never really understand, but somehow, the conversation slowly transitioned into a talk about Kaminari. As I listened, my tensions and worries slowly disappeared. 

Phew! It seems like Jirou shares the same feelings with Kaminari, so there's no worry for heartbreak.

As I walk back to the boy's dorm, I heard a familiar voice, one (at that moment) I never wanted to hear.


It was Ashido. Great!!

"Hey, Ashido!" I give her a nervous smile.


Now I look suspicious!

"What are you doing in the girls' dorm?"

"I, uh..."

Think Izuku!! What would be a good excuse!?! Suddenly, my mind wandered to the tickets Kayama gave me, my hero! Originally, I planned to ask Uraraka about it, but since it's an emergency, there will be some change of plans.

"I-I wanted to ask you t-to go t-t-to a c-c-c-concert w-w-with me... I mean us!!" I stutter.

"Ooh! That sounds great! Who's 'us'?"

"Me, Kayama, Kaminari and Jirou."

Ashido suddenly smiled her 'my-ship-is-so-gonna-sail' smile, it always creeped me out.

"Sure! I will love too, Midori!!"

She hugged me, grabbed her ticket and happily skipped away, leaving me a blushing, stuttering mess.

I was hugged... by a girl!!

I feel my chest and it's rapidly beating as fast as a race car. I walk over to my room, thinking about all the things Jirou said about Kaminari... somehow... I think that's the way I feel towards... Ochaco...

💕Urarka's POV💕

I feel on my knees, with tears pouring down my face. Did Deku... just ask Ashido on a date?

A/N: She didn't hear their full conversation

I feel like there's a big hole in my heart that can never be filled unless I'm with Deku. Why didn't he ask me? Am I not good enough? There's this horrible feeling inside my chest, I hate to the brim, but it was familiar.

It was the same feeling when Deku was with Hastuhoe and that Camie girl.

Is it jealousy?

I briskly wiped away my tears, no use crying and sulking, right? I'll try my best to think of Deku only as a friend from now on and be happy for Mina.

I plummeted into my sheets and cried myself to sleep, I hope tomorrow gets better.

Is It Jealousy? - 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜𝓊 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now