~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖~

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🎵Jirou's POV🎵

The rest of the school day dragged on and on for the rest of the day. I know I should be excited for the first day back at school, but honestly, I want it to end as quick as possible. For some reason, I feel sick in the guts. 

Even though they just met, they seemed like they were best friends or something. Every time I look at Duminari, he's always staring or talking to Setsuna.

Must be another of his stupid crushes. Not like I care, or anything.

"Kyoka? Were you listening?" A voice suddenly spoke up.

I snapped out of my thoughts in a heartbeat, and turned back over Momo and Hagakure, I forgot that I was walking to our new dorms together.

"You look like you were pouting! Is everything okay?"

"Yeah!!" I assured.

I... was pouting?

"Anyways, what were you guys talking about?"

"Our new dorms, the last 2nd years told us all about it, remember? They say there's a mystery smell that people can't pinpoint." Hagakure told us.

"Yes. Maybe we can locate it and stop it from intoxicating our fellow students." Yao-momo stated. As we finally reached our dorms, nearly everyone was there. 

"Well, we're off to back our rooms, I suggest you do the same," Momo stated, before going with Toru, I guess their rooms were close to each other. Before I could even take a step, or breathe for that matter, I heard an annoying voice once again, but this time, for some reason, hearing his voice makes my heart flutter.

What was with these emotions!?

"Hey, Kyoka! Are you unpacking? Maybe you could use the extra muscle!" He exclaimed, showing off his "muscles."

"No thanks," I sigh, "I don't need no one's help, I didn't pack much anyways."

"Too bad, I ain't taking no for an answer!!" He exclaimed and zoomed past me. 

"HEY!! Get back here!!" I chased after him, even though that's all he probably wanted, my reaction... damn boys, I'll never understand them.

Kaminari's POV

When I finally reached Kyoka's room, it was so obvious that she hadn't unpacked yet, unlike moi. If it weren't because I be talking to Setsuna about my love life, I would've been annoying my Kyoka to the brim. But, can't blame her, she gave me some interesting feedback.

As I took a single step into the room, I suddenly heard a scream with murderous intent. I turned around to see my Kyoka, charging like a bull at full speed, with nothing but red in her eyes, "I GOT YOU NOW, PIKACHU!!" She exclaimed as she pounced on me.  

Suddenly, everything went black.

As I slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was magical, lavender eyes, that sparkled like a jewel. I was when our noses touched was when I realised that... KYOKA WAS ON TOP OF ME!!

We were so close, that if we move even the tiniest bit forward, we would be kissing. Both our faces flushed red as we both dared not to move. Suddenly the silence was broken. 

"G... GET OFF ME PIKACHU!!" She screamed, "...but... you're the one on top of me, Kyoka." I winked. There's nothing wrong with a bit of flair. Suddenly, her two jacks pierced my sides, I screamed in agony. 

"That's what you get... baka." She mumbled the last part. 

As she got off of me, we both couldn't say anything, neither look each other in the eyes. Finally, the silence was once again broken by Kyoka once more, "You can help out or something if you want..." She grumbled.

Is It Jealousy? - 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜𝓊 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now