I : Tommy, Innit? ♡

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"Why are there only ItsFundy-cornies in the fridge? I thought we bought multiple boxes of NihachuFlakes and agreed on not buying anymore of the ItsFundy-cornies?" Tommy asks, god how he hates ItsFundy-cornies. They taste like socks.. no seriously.

"Wait.." He burst out laughing, "In the cupboard! I meant cupboard!" he hears a quiet giggle from the other room.

"The NihachuFlakes are in the kitchen cabinet above the dish washer."

Tommy rolls his eyes, and takes a box of NihachuFlakes.


"You want some, Violet?" Tommy pours some cereal into his bowl, and grabs the milk, as he asks the person besides him.

"Nah, I'm good, I had some cornies earlier when you were asleep." Purpled's confusing. The other day he said that he hated ItsFundy-cornies and now he eats them like it's his favorite food ever. Tommy's never gonna figure this fucker out.

Anyways, Tommy shrugs and pours milk into his bowl, from time to time saying some unnecessarily mean shit to Purpled.


After finishing some chores, Tommy walks into the living room, only to find Purpled on his laptop. again. "Ayup violet, what're you doing?"

"Setting up your Twitter account like you asked me to at breakfast?"

Oh. Yeah. Tommy did ask him to do that, didn't he.

"What's your full name Tommy?" Purpled asks, not looking up from his laptop.

Tommy's full name. Now, you might not believe him, but Tommy's full name is Tommy. Just, Tommy.

"Tommy, innit?"

"Alright. Tommy Innit."

Oh no.

Tommy's british accent has betrayed him once again. Purpled grins, he's evil.

"Oh come on, TommyInnit doesn't even sound too bad" the other laughs lightly while typing something into the laptop.

He's lying.

Tommy, the greatest Vigilante in,, well, on the entire world, is getting made fun of. Unbelievable.

"Just go fight some crime with crime or something" Purpled scoffs jokingly, he's such a tory. But Tommy nods, it's crime time baby. "Be back before 7pm, alright? I'm not making dinner for just myself again." Yea. Such a tory.

"Okay mum"

Purpled rolls his eyes, tory alarm.

Tommy puts on his sneakers and grabs his nerf gun. Yep. You heard him. Nerf gun. The great Tommy doesn't have a real gun. Scandalous right?





He means,, it doesn't sound too bad. Maybe Vio-.. Purpled was right. Maybe this'll be his new title. 'TommyInnit, the greatest Vigilante in the entire world' sounds about right.

"Hey you!" This isn't supposed to happen. He normally doesn't see crime around here at this time of day. Huh. Tommy turns around, and

What. The. Fuck.

Tommy was standing on the roof of the coffee shop he always gets his tea from and opposite of him is standing.. well, to make it short, a hero. A ranked hero. How Tommy knows that? Well, who else has a cape and a sticker with 'number something' written on it? If Tommy could get a better look of them, he'd probably be able to identify who it is, but they're standing right in the shadow of a higher building.

Gosh Tommy's fan boy heart can't take this. He might just squeal. Just maybe. Maybe. Probably. Yeah. He's definitely gonna squeal. The hero walks out of the shadows and oh my god. Tommy's gonna faint. Not just squeal.


It was Mask. Mask. The number one hero. He met the number one hero on his-really not-daily patrol. Oh my goodness.

"Are you a hero? What are you doing up here?" Mask scoffs, sounding pretty annoyed.

Good god, Tommy has to answer. That's how communicating works. Right?

"I uhm, I. No. Well. No. Wait. Yes. W-wait, this is not, wait, wait wait, my brain is overloading. Wait-" Tommy let's out a quiet chuckle, and, well, mask doesn't really show any emotions because of his mask. Tommy takes a deep breath and recollects himself.

"Yes, I'm a hero." He lies, mask's never gonna figure out that he lied-

"Are you lying?"




"Well, depends. What happens if I did lie?" He hears a faint chuckle.

"Depends, what are you lying about?"

Oh my god. This may just be the best thing to ever happen to him. Well, after meeting Purpled.

"Well, My actual title is TommyInnit, the greatest Vigilante to ever exist on this Planet."

He heard Mask laugh, he's not actually laughing at him, right? Nono, no one would ever laugh at TommyInnit. Ever. 100%.

"Are you laughing at my Title?!" Tommy accuses, if he is, Mask's downgrading to number two. You can take Tommy's word for that.

"No, No. But I'll have to get you into the HQ, you're gonna have to get arrested. Vigilante's are not legal." Mask shrugs, showing absolutely no signs of the possibility of mercy.

Thankfully, that's not happening. "Okay. Then, we'll see us another time?" Tommy jokes, inching closer to the edge of the building. Trust him, Tommy knows what he's doing.

"Ah, it'd be nice if you could cooperate here, so I don't have to chase you down" Mask stalks closer to Tommy as well. In his dreams, Tommy's not gonna get himself arrested!

"Whoops, no sorry can't do that, butiloveyoubtwimsuchabigfan bye!" Tommy smirks as he falls of the building. Huge white wings appear seconds later from his back as he was about to hit the ground and he shot up into the sky. "See ya fucker! didntactuallymeanthatImsuchabigfanbelieveme, bye bye!"

And with that, Tommy takes off to his and Purpled's apartment, or flat, whatever you wanna call it. Mask only stares after him. He totally got him! Ha, this is great.


"You aren't gonna believe who I met today!" Tommy glides through the open window into the living room, giving Purpled three heart attacks at the same time.

"Huh, who did you meet?" Purpled carefully put his laptop to the side to look at Tommy. Of course he's on his laptop.

"I met Mask! The number one hero!" Tommy waves around with his hands, gestures were never really his thing, but it'll have to do. It was enough for seventeen years, so it'll have to do.

"Wait, really?! You're getting attention now?? After two years of nothing??" Purpled jumps up from the couch.

Yikes, he's really excited, huh?

"Yes! Can you believe it Violet?!" Tommy smiles, it's only now that he could process everything that happened.

"Yo! That's so cool man!" Purpled hugs Tommy, a familiar feeling, and yet, it's always so comforting.

"Right, Purpled??" Tommy lightly pushes Purpled away, smiling like an idiot.

Purpled's eyes widen, "You said my actually name!" Purpled jokingly put his hand in front of his mouth, gasping.

"Okay Purpled I'll have you know that memory issues aren't something to joke about." he fakes a serious face but immediately breaks out laughing. "Today is so great. Well, not greater than me of course."

Purpled joins in with friend's laughing fit and holds his hand up. "Goldenboys?"

"Goldenmen." Tommy smugly smiles but high-fives Purpled nonetheless.

Tommy doesn't want to jinx it, but maybe life isn't all that bad.


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