X : American Boyyyy

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(Take me on a trip I'd like to go somedayyy <33333 I'm so sorry)

Purpled nods slowly, "Yeah.. I see.." Looking at their DNA tests, both of them seem to be in confusion. "I'm British, mostly, and you're.." "American.." Purpled finishes Tommy's sentence and lays the test results down. "Huh. We're arch enemies." Tommy states and looks Purpled dead in the eyes. "I became what you swore to destro-hahah" Purpled chuckles at his own joke. He laughs at his own jokes! What a weird guy. Tommy joins in and they both end up hysterically gasping for air. "Never again." "Never ever again." Tommy shakes his head while gripping his own t-shirt.

"Now, this didn't help us with finding out of ya dad's still alive.." Tommy huffs and lays back on his seat. "I know my last name, but nothing more." Purpled laughs quietly and stands up. "Guess that leaves only one other option.." Tommy's eyes darken, "Going to Aftertown Orphanage and asking for an address.." They both state in union. "Wish me luck." Is the last thing Purpled says before jumping out of the window and making his way to said orphanage.

Tommy sighs, inevitable. He predicted that three years ago. The boy made his way to the front door of their apartment, opens it, walks outside, locks it and runs down the rather long hallway, forgetting that his wings are out and... He runs into a neighbor. Fuckkk.. Mr. Bush looks up at him and stutters "T-T-Tommyinnit??" Oh fuck.. Tommy's mood just died, and he scratches his neck not knowing what to do. "ah,, uhm.." But he's cut off by Mr. Bush's screaming and loud footsteps dashing down the stairs. "That's gonna get us evicted.." The Vigilante realizes and face palms. "Fuck me..." He whines and strolls back up to their apartment, a defeated look ruling his face.

"Y-yeah, hi Purpled, hey, yeah, uhm, we're gonna get evicted." silence.. "Pardon?" "You heard me haha, I ran into Mr. Bush with ma wings out.. Heh.." silence.. Again.. "Oh my god you idiot.. I'm coming back. Be right there, hold on." *piiep* he's in trouble...

Tommy sits next to his door, listening for, ehem audio clues and jumps up when he hears the unmistakable sound of their landlords car. "Shitshitshit!!" He runs into his room and starts to pack up his things. "Ah fuck! Purpled come back!" He pleads to the lord he doesn't believe in. Grabbing all of the things he needs, he was interrupted by a ring on their door. "Nonono, Shitshitshit,, balls!" he screams, inaudible to the people outside. "Coming!" Tommy says in the nicest tone he could say something in right now. Tommy opens it and looks directly into his landlord's darkened eyes. He swears under his breath. Fuck.

"Yes. Hi. Hi Mr. Paul. Hi." He stutters. And as if it couldn't get worse, Purpled comes jumping into the living room, through the window. Ah, everything is lost now anyways. "Fuck." Tommy swears and looks at his landlord, pleading for mercy, but a simple word sent shivers down his spine. "Out." Tommy huffs and turns to go do more packing, but Mr. Paul growls "Out. Now." "B-but our things-" "Out. They're sold." Tommy looks at him. What the fuck. No. He's not gonna leave everything. He runs to his room despite all the protests and meets with Purpled. "Go take shit that you really don't wanna leave." "But what-" "Now."

"Goodbye Mr. Paul." Tommy walks out of the apartment complex and leans onto Purpled, feeling the stares in his back. Nobody says a word. Silence rules mood and the tense atmosphere won't leave. They both hold sweaters and two books, if I'd have to guess, I'd say those are diary's. "I'm sorry" Tommy mutters and Purpled chuckles, "It was inevitable. Only a matter of time. Maybe you can call wilbur and ask him if we can stay at your family's for a while?" "Good idea, yeah" *piep pip pieep pep* "Hello? Wil?"

Hi readers!! Book is steadily coming to an end. Enjoy the chapters while you can. :)
Yours truly,

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