IV : Philza "Phil" Minecraft ♡

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Tommy gasps, the two of them were hiding in a warehouse, they wanted to borrow another 100,- but are now cornered by some heroes. "Purpled! Come down here! Stop fighting for high ground and come down!"

The blond teen's massive angel wings flap up and down to keep him up in the air. Purpled listens for once and launches himself onto Tommy's back, making Tommy fall back a little, but he caught himself.

"What's the matter, big man?" Purpled asks, his eyes scanning the building.

Tommy shakes his head in disbelief. "Over there!" he points at the glass roof, "Another ranked hero!"

"Ohmygod who is it?!" the other squints and Tommy flies a little closer to the shadow.

"Hmmm- AAA-" Tommy shrieks and backs away immediately.

"What? What?!" Purpled leans forward, shaking Tommy lightly.

The blond turns his head so he could look at Purpled. "It's Philza.." He whispers, sounding incredibly excited. Fanboy.

"Philza moincraft" the newly strawberry blond jokes and laughs to himself.

Tommy only huffs and lands back on the ground, Purpled jumps off of his back.

"We need to get out.." Tommy whispers to Purpled and the other nods in agreement.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Philza's soft voice echos through the large warehouse.

"Do we show ourselves?" Purpled questions, and taps Tommy on his shoulder.

Is he out of it?! Show ourselves?! To what? Get inprisoned?! Before Tommy could say anything to his partner in crime, he saw Philza move towards them. "Fast! Hide!" Tommy hushed Purpled to hide.

Oh fuck.

Too late.

"Hey mates, are you supposed to be the threat here?" Large grey-ish angel wings spread from Philza's back, you know, philza is Tommy's idol, so naturally, Tommy is compelled to approach the hero and ask for an autograph.

He turns around to face Philza, his wings are hidden and he looks like a coward for once in his life. Purpled's standing behind Tommy barely visible.

"Oh, uh, y-ya I think so.." Tommy stutters, sounding unsure of himself.

"You don't look like much of a threat, you're only teens!" Philza titlts his head and laughs lightly.

Yeah right. "Teens", one has incredibly large wings and the other has purple marks all over him.

Tommy feels almost hurt by this simple statement of his idol. And, so, his ego comes through as he pulls Purpled forward and spreads his wings.

Philza's eyes widen, and he takes a step back. "What?"

"Yeah, we're just some teens." Tommy spits. Purpled stands there, really awkwardly, and smiles lightly.

"Alright. I'm gonna take you guys home. I don't think you deserve to be imprisoned." Philza cracks a smile and reaches his hand out for one of the two to shake. Purpled was faster than Tommy and took it, agreeing to Philza's previous statement.


"Yeah bitch!" Tommy smiles and does some gestures at the front door of their apartment.

Purpled only huffs and opens the door, letting them all inside. "That's our humble abode."

"And where are your parents..? Cause I'm pretty sure ya'll aren't adults" Philza says calmly as he looks around, seemingly interested.

"Uh.." Tommy looks down at his feet, Purpled understands the message immediately, clears his throat and smiles understandingly. "We're orphans" He states and pats his friend's shoulder.

"Oh! I'm so sorry for asking, but you aren't legally allowed to life here, alone." Philza shrugs and that soft smile just doesn't leave his face.

"Ah, who cares! We're Vigilantes after all." Tommy jokes and lightly punches Purpled.

"No, you are. I'm not. I'm just here. Don't look at me, Philza!" Purpled corrects him and innocently smiles up at the adult in the room.

"Yeah, yeah, alright mates. I'm gonna get ya'll some food since I don't want you stealing stuff and then we'll talk on how this'll continue, okay?" Philza asks, and oh my god, if he doesn't leave soon, Tommy's fanboy heart is gonna explode.


They both nod, agreeing with Philza. "Oh, and call me Phil."

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