IX : All This Over A Kill

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*ringg ringgg*
*rrrringggg riiiing*
*riiiiiiiing ringgggggg*

Tommy's eyes flutter open, why the fuck is someone at their door. What the hell. He gets up and-..

*riiing rrrring*

"I'M COMING I'M COMING, BE PATIENT YOU MORON." he rolls his eyes, and gets some clothes to change into. After about two minutes-...

*ring riiiiiiiing*

"YES I'M COMING" He shouts and dashes towards the door. Opening it pretty harshly, he looks up to a male, familiar, but unrecognisable. "You smell like shit." Tommy states and let's the man inside. "Thank you, thank you." the male retorts, the sarcasm basically dripping from his voice. "So, what's all the door bell action about?" Tommy begins to fill the rather awkward silence. "Well, I'm sure your little friend told you about me right?" Before Tommy could get out a word, he adds "I'm Wilbur. Your brother." Tommy nods, that's why he seems familiar.. Still unrecognisable though.

"So you're,, Wilbur?" Tommy asks, now sitting on their couch/sofa. "Yeah. Wilbur Soot, to be exact, but that's just my artist name." He shrugs, rather unimpressed. "Okay.. Well, how is father? And,, do I have other siblings? If yes, how are they?" he begins to fill the silence with some small talk. Wilbur only huffs, seemingly getting ready for a longer story. Oh boy. "Techno, your other sibling, is a vigilante, like you, he's number one most feared, that's why I actually haven't seen him in ages.." stopping for a second, Wilbur seems to be thinking of how to continue. "Father is.. Father" he chuckles to himself and Tommy cracks a soft smile. "Okay, I might've encountered this "Techno" before.. What does he look like?" Tommy asks his brother. In what world does he live in, talking to his "long-lost" Brother about his other "because-vigilante-long-lost" brother.. What the hell man.

"Pink, long, outgrown hair; mostly known for wearing king attire; cowboy boots and a piglin mask." Piglin Person! Oh my hero, Tommy has met him! "Yeah, yeah, I've met him before, unknowing that we're related of course.. That bastard stole my biscuits!" Wilbur can't hold back laughter and begins to laugh. "Wh-what? Next time you see him tell him his brother is mad and is going to fucking kill him." Wilbur holds his hand in front of his mouth while laughing, is this this thing called manners Purpled always talks about? Nah, and if it is, he's not doing it. It looks weird as fuck.  "I will make sure to tell him that, don't worry.." "Hhahaha, you better!" Tommy smiles and-... *rrring ring ringggggg*

"For fucks sake!" Tommy rushes over to the door, what's all this doorbell action about today?! "WHAT DO YOU WANT-..." "Yes, hi Tommy, nice to see you too, anyways, I'm back from hanging with foolish. I'll just make some tea and then lock myself into my room." Purpled announces and then swiftly makes his way into the kitchen. Tommy stands there, frozen.


"Anyways Wilbur." He begins as he walks back into the living room, only to see his brother (a tall ass man) and his (very much shorter) friend glaring at each other with such intensity that Tommy just has to laugh. "You guys are children when it comes to not liking each other.." is all he manages to say until a teabag is sent flying in his direction, barely missing him and.. *fflck* it's on the wall. Great job, Purpled. "What the fu-huck?" Tommy screeches and looks at them in disbelief. "You motherfucker! Now there's a stain on the wall!" And he's right, there is now a teabag formed stain on the wall. A few minutes of intense glaring later, Purpled disappeared into his room. "Believe me, he's normally way nicer.." Tommy begins, "No, who am I lying to, he's always like this." He sighs and grabs the teabag to throw it in the trash.

Midway on his way to the trash can, he huffs and adds "Why'd you visit anyways, Wil?" Wilbur is out of Tommy's sight so he listens for 'audio clues' as he likes to call it. He hears some shuffling and just starts to walk to the trashcan. On his way back, Wilbur's standing in front of the couch, hands in his yellow sweaters pockets. Tommy has to admit, this is fashion, his black ripped jeans, a bright yellow sweater and a some round golden glasses. Tommy on the other hand was just wearing blue ripped jeans with a white oversized t-shirt. He really wasn't dressed for the occasion, huh. I mean, still better than Purpled though, wearing eerie white jeans with a purple sweater.

"I just really wanted to see you, I guess.." He smiles and Tommy nods understandingly. "Everyone wants to see the great TommyInnit!" They both chuckle slightly. "Well, I need to get back home. Farewell Toms." He bows a little and then starts walking towards their front door. "Yeah, I'll see you someday soon, Wilbur." Tommy sighs and falls onto the couch. "Social interactions are exhausting.."

Ehem, hello readers! Hope you liked this chapter! Next chapter will probably take a while cause I'm kinda out of ideas haha.
Yours truly,

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