? : Toms And Purp ♡

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"Vio!" Toms strolled around the almost abandoned looking building in his way too big minecraft piyamas.

"Toms! There you are!" Purp smiled as he waved at his little friend.

"Okay, c'mon we need to get back to our room before Ms. Finley comes to do her hourly check up!" Toms grabbed Purp's hand and they both ran through the long hallway back to their room.

Stopping in front of their door, the two seven year olds looked up at the room number.

It was a golden 14.

"Alright" Toms whispered and slowly opened the door, to not attract any attention towards them.

Once both kids were inside, Toms quickly closed the door and breathed out. "Okay. Now to pretend to sleep.."

Purp nodded and got up into his bed, gesturing Toms to come up and cuddle like they usually do.

Toms smiled and climbed the ladder up their bunk beds. They both cuddled up under the covers and closed their eyes. (a/n : no, I am not shipping them, they are seven in this dude :\ they're also both uncomfortable with shipping like :///)

Not even ten minutes later, their door creaked open and Ms. Finley lurked inside. Toms stiffened as he felt her gaze on him. Thankfully, she quickly walked outside again and Toms perked up as their door closed harshly.

"She's such a creep, innit?" Purp looked up, seemingly uncomfortable.

"Yeah.. I don't like her either.." Toms nodded and sat up to observe the scenery.

"Shit man,, I think she's still in the hallway.." Toms stated and hugged his knees, normally she doesn't take this long..

"Oh fuck, I think she's doing a re-check! She probably heard something! Shit shit shit, get under here Toms! Fuck!" Purp panicked and hushed Tommy under the blanket.

Toms also panicked along side with Purp and hurried under the blanket, closing his eyes immediately and squeezing Purp's hand.

The door creaked open again and Toms swore he could hear Ms. Finley swear underneath her breath. She didn't take too long though, and soon the door closed again.

Toms' body immediately relaxed but he didn't dare to move a centimeter.

After about ten minutes Purp opened his eyes and shook his head. "God.." Purp and turned to face Toms.

"Philza" Toms jokingly corrected and Purp smiled in return. "Hey, d'you wanna tell some stories?" Toms asked, knowing way too well that Purp isn't gonna go to sleep for at least another hour.

Purp nodded, knowing way too well that Toms isn't gonna go to sleep either.


Purp laughed lightly as he leaned against the wall, "They told you to just go in and tell the caretakers?"

Toms nodded and smiled, "Yeah, my brothers.. I think I remember what I used to call them.."

Purp eagerly looked at Toms, basically telepathically telling him to continue.

"I called the older one Blade and the younger Wilby.. I think, not too sure though.." The other scratched his neck and laughed awkwardly.

Purp smiled a sad smile and lay back down staring up at the ceiling.

"We should go to sleep." Toms stated as he lay down next to Purp.

The other nodded hesitantly and sighed, "I'm.. not tired though.."

"I know.." Both of them sighed and turned away from each other, giving one another some time alone with their thoughts.

Toms' mind was crowded, so no signs of being able to sleep. As was Purp's, but no need to tell them, they both knew.

"Hey Vio?" Toms asked, not looking at the other, just the wall opposite of him.

"Yes Toms?" Purp answered, doing the same, as if they've always been doing that, I mean they have, but now it doesn't sound so cool anymore.. Ehem, anyways.

"Sorry just wanted to hear your voice so I know I'm not.. alone or anything.." Toms fiddled with the edge of the blanket.

Purp nodded, and huffed. Slowly but surely he was getting tired. "Toms?" Purp asked, waiting for an answer.

No answer. Heh, Toms is probably asleep. Purp smiled and shrugged, now also slowly falling asleep.

[The next day.. Or 5am..]

Their door creaked open, revealing a very tired looking Ms. Elle. She carefully tip-toed across the room, and began to lightly shake Toms awake. "Toms.. Wake up.." Her French accent filled the room, and Toms eyes fluttered open.

"G'morning Ms. Elle" Toms yawned as he rubbed his eyes. "I'll wake up Purp no worries."

Ms. Elle quickly thanked Toms and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Vio! Wake up!" Toms shook the poor other and Purp jumped up at the sudden movement. His eyes now wide and open.

"It's a new dawn! And another day full of possibilities in here!" Toms stated, yeah, apparently he was a very positive morning person.

"Yes, good morning to you too, Toms" Purp joked and sat up. "Let's get ready or we'll miss breakfast.." Purp yawned as Toms nodded in agreement.

"I'm excited to see what the day brings!" Toms jumped down from the top of the ladder and spun around, waiting for Purp to climb down the ladder.

"Me too, Toms, Me too." Purp rolled his eyes and jumped down mid ladder.

Toms smiled as he grabbed Purp's hand and dragged him over to the bathroom.

Once the two got ready they both took a minute to just, relax. They were both staring at their room door, not seeing the golden number, but knowing it was there anyways.

"Golden boys?" Toms held up his hand, waiting for Purp to high-five him.

Purp nodded excitedly and they high-fived.

"Golden boys!"

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