VIII : Old Friendos

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Tommy shakes his head, "Good mornin man" He hears a voice to his right. Unnable to make out who is speaking, he rubs his eyes open. His sight is blurry, more than usual, but he's able to make out Purpled's silhouette. "yuh, what happened?" He asks, god knows how long he was out for. Why was he even out? Fuck knows. "You were out for about two days, if you were wondering." Oh shit, the fucker just read his mind. Holy. "Ah, okay, what happened?" he repeats himself. "Uh, your brother, Wilbur Soot, patched you up and said he'll be here soon, he wants to apologize."

Tommy frowns, "Who?" "Your brother. Wilby, you called him." Tommy shrugs, he'll see, maybe he'll recognize him, when he sees him. "You all good?" Purpled stands up from his seated position. "Ya, all fine, as far as I'm aware." Tommy adds and sits up. A weirdly tense atmosphere evolves around them. Hm. What happened when Tommy was out? "So uhm.." He begins, "I'm hungry.. Got anything?" Purpled starts walking silently and hands him a bowl of NihachuFlakes when he comes back from what Tommy rememberes us their kitchen. What's up with the mate? Tommy eats the cereal in silence, wondering about the world. After a few minutes, he goes out to get some fresh ear.

His bubbly expression is slowly finding its way back to him. He's standing on the rooftop, wings out and no sings of vigilantism anywhere near him. Not even a mask, he isn't even wearing his signature bloody red face mask. Risky, he'd say in any other situation, but now, hm, maybe, the risk of life is it's beauty. "Hey you!" Nevermind. Tommy turns towards the voice. A ranked hero. Great. Exactly what he needed right now. "what are you doing up here!" They walk out of the shadows and reveal one of the lower ranked ones, Totem. Hm.

"Sorry mate, I'm just enjoying the air." Tommy answers plainly, and smiles softly at the hero. Totem gives him a suspicious look. "You seem familiar." He thinks out loud. Tommy seems familiar to him? That doesn't sound right. Does he know his real identity maybe? "Hey uhm, weird question for a hero to ask but, what's your name kid?" kid?! Tommy shakes his head in disbelief, "First of I'm not a fucking kid! Second of, my name is Tommy." Totem's eyes widen, "Tommy! Oh my god! I haven't seen you in ages!" Tommy tilts his head, who is this fucker? And then, realization kicked in.

"FOOLISH! You fuck! Where have you been!" He smiles. "At the hero's! My god! I didn't think I'd ever see you ever again!" Tote-.. Foolish pressed a button on his wrist that made him change back into his everyday clothes. That's so cool what. "c'mon! Purpled will be stoked to see you!" Tommy shrieks and drags Foolish down into their apartment. They burst through the door, scaring the hell out of Purpled. "What's u-... Foolish! Is that you?! Holy shit man! It's great to see you!" Foolish winks at him and goes to sit down on their couch/sofa. "Suprised to see you two too! Happy to see that you're okay and stuff." He smiles happily.

"What have you been up to?" Tommy jumps onto the couch, also stoked to see their old friend. "Are you still in touch with Eret and the gang?" He adds. "Yea! Eret, Sam and Ponk. I'm a hero now! I'm rank 20" He brags, and smirks. "That's nice! So cool that you can do what you always wanted to." Purpled smiles softly at him. "Yea! What have you two been doing? I've missed you so much!" "We've been doing nothing important, Tommy over there developed serious memory problems and seems to infect people around him with it. It's annoying." Purpled jokes, still the same old jokester he always was.

"Seems like you two haven't changed even in all those years." Foolish laughs and nudges Tommy's arm. "Yea sure, Fool." Tommy rolls his eyes playfully and stands up. "Anyone want coffee or tea?" "Ya sure. I'm up for a green tea." Foolish shrugs and Purpled nods, "Same for me." Tommy smiles and darts to the kitchen. "So, Foolish, anything interesting you wanna share while Tommy's gone?" Foolish thinks for a second, "Yea, Sam and Ponk started dating!" He laughs, as pulls out a photo of them nearly kissing. "Haha! That's great! Congrats to them! Did we ever get to see them while we were still in hell?" Foolish frowns, "I don't think so.." "See! That's what I mean by he infects the people around him!" Purpled hisses and buries his face in his hands.

"Haha, you sure it's not just you?" Foolish grins, what an idiot he is. "No! I swear! Whenever I'm with him I just forget everything! It's the worst! I swear to philza-!" Purpled exclaims, but was cut off by a thud coming from inside the kitchen. Both run into the kitchen almost immediately, to see a Tommy sitting on the grounds next to the kitchen cupboards, holding his head." What happened!" Purpled shouts and bends down to him, leaving Foolish to stand awkwardly in the doorframe. "I just got.. really dizzy for a second." Tommy hesitates and smiles up at the two. "Okay.. C'mon, let's get you on the couch.." Purpled nods and picks the fella up. "Wait! Your green teas are done I think!" Tommy expresses quickly and grins. Foolish goes up to the counter and picks up the mugs. "Thanks." They bring Tommy over to the couch and then continue their conversation.

After about an hour Foolish is getting ready to leave. "We'll stay in touch, yeah?" Tommy asks and smirks at the latter. "Yuh, promise." Foolish grins back at Tommy and opens their door, letting the cold wind inside. "Ohh you fuck! Gogogo! Close the door! We have shit heating! It took years for it to heat up like this! Nooo.. You asshole..." He whines and leans back on the doorframe. Foolish laughs, "So sorry! I'll get going now, text me when you can!" Tommy drops the act and smiles. "buh bye!" He waves at his old friend, and as the other closes the door behind him, he walks back to purpled who was laying on the couch. "Yeah, he's still as exhausting to hang out with as he always was." Purpled only yawns. Heh.

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