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Tommy sqints his eyes close. His arms are growing tired from holding up his 'ride pls' sign. "D'you reckon we'll know the next one?" Purpled asks, completely out of the blue. "Yea.. I reckon so." A few minutes later, a car stops in front of them and the window rolls down. "Get in!" A familiar voice orders, and they squeeze into the back seats. Tommy looks around the car. "Where are you heading to?" The driver asks, now driving again. "Aftertown. Visiting some old friends." Purpled smiles softly and nudges Tommy's arm, who then nods. "What's your names?" "Purpled and Tommy. You?" The driver stops in his tracks. He looks into the front mirror. "..Wilbur Soot"

"Ohmygod! Wilbur! Wh-Wilbur!" Tommy leans forward. "It's been awhile.." He chuckles and shifts his focus back to the road. "Yea! Where's-.. uh..." Purpled rolls his eyes "Techno, Tommy. His name's Techno." "Ooh, yea, that, mh, yeah I wouldn't have remembered that. Anyways! Where's Techno?" Wilbur's face visibly darkens and any emotion is wiped from his eyes. "I don't know. I hope somewhere safe." Tommy's eyes widen "I thought you caught him that night!" Wilbur smiles, still the sick bastard he always was. "I did, but he told me to 'Fuck off' or in his words 'It would be too dangerous for you to hang around me now that I have no shelter. Wilbur, I love you, but please let me go.'" Purpled nods and grabs a book from the many books both are carrying around." That goes in my 'quotes for when something cool happens' book. Could you repeat what he said?"

A long two hours of talking and catching up later, they arrive in Aftertown. "And here we are! Hope you enjoyed the ride. I gotta keep going this way now. You've got my phone number, yeah?" Tommy nods. "Good! Then farewell!" Tommy and Purpled begin to wave and Wilbur drives away. "Here we are. Now off to bee & boo." Now both are making their way to bee & boo. You must know that it's been like 5 years and neither is really sure if they're still open. But it's worth a shot!

"Ohmygod they're still open! Is that Tubbo?" Tommy opens the door, slowly and carefully. Purpled steps inside, as does Tommy. Greeted with silence they walk up to the counter. "Hello, what can I *yawn* get you today-..." The friends smile awkwardly down at the little goat. "No.. Tommy?! Purpled?!" both nod. Tubbo shrieks and bangs on the back door. "Ranboo! Code Gold!!" Tommy looks over to Purpled, who is just a as confused as he is. "Ohmygosh! Guys! I thought we'd never see you again!" Tommy smiles proudly, excited about what he's going to say. "I don't break promises."

Next thing you know, they're sitting at their usual table, getting their usual drinks and food. Tubbo called in Ponk and Bdubs, two other workers, to be able to sit next to Tommy and Purpled to catch up. Ranboo's finishing something in the kitchen, but he'll join them in a minute.

"So! How's the world?? No that's a boring question.. How are you guys??" Tubbo was basically jumping up and down on his seat, like a little excited puppy. "We're good! Yea, how are you guys?" Tommy smiles, his old friend hasn't changed one bit. "Oh we're fine! Ranboo's okay, he's still having problems with his memories, but he's doing okay." Purpled chuckles, "And how are you, Tubbo?" "Oh, uh, I'm super okay! I've finished college and now this is a full time job!" He smiles, excited puppy I tell ya.

"Oh hi boo! C'mon! Sit!" Ranboo sits down awkwardly next to Tubbo. His hight might be really cool but it does make him a little more awkward. "Hi Tommy, Hello Purpled. How have you been?" Ranboo smiles, genuinely one of the happiest smiles in town. "Oh we've been good! Better than ever." Purpled shifts in his seat, then smiles up at him. "Aren't you gonna ask how I've been?" Tommy shakes his head frantically. "No, Tubbo's already told us your entire life story." "Hey! Not true!" everyone laughed in unity. And, most likely, that's the last time they spoke. Maybe, probably, for about five more years. Yeah, Tommy and Purpled aren't the best ones at remembering :)

I hope you liked the book, lovelies! This was so fun, and now, go read something else reading makes you intelligent or something idk
- Bulb

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