?? : Thomas & Violet

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Ah yes, Toms and Purp really took their life for granted in this era huh? Oh well. The two 14 year olds, weren't really best mates with this thing called luck.

Violet screamed in agony, why did he agree on getting an ear piercing with Thomas again? Fuck knows. When the most painful 5 seconds of Violet's life were over, Thomas dragged him out of the store as they had paid beforehand. "We're cool now" Thomas grinned and walked towards the exit. "Yeah, so Thomas and Violet, yes?" Violet asked, looking up at the taller. "Yea! I think that sounds rather cool!" Thomas claimed and smiled down at the smaller. "I reckon we're gonna change it again soon though." He continued and shrugged. "D'you think so?" Violet questioned, even though he was sure of it too. "Yeah, this won't be our last "name change"" Thomas shrugged and huffed as the two exited the shopping centre. "I am taken a back by the maturity you're offering tonight" Violet did a little bow and Thomas rolled his eyes.

Once back at the orphanage, they caught Foolish sneaking out the front. "Ayo Fool!" Thomas waved at the almost-adult. "Hi Tom. Hi Vio." The other waved at the two besties. "Sneaking out again? I thought you're gonna get released out of this hell on earth in a month anyway?" Vio questioned the older, but he only shrugged. "It's still a month! And I'm not spending it without seeing Ponk, Sam or Eret!" He reasoned and Thomas nodded understandingly. "Understandable have a nice night" He said, in a mocking tone. Foolish only playfully flipped him off as he sprinted away.

"What a weird guy." Violet shrugged and smiled softly at the latter. "Yuh, agreed, let's get inside." Thomas took Violets wrist and dragged him into the backyard. "Shh, there's our room.." Thomas pointed at the open window. "C'mon, help me up" Violet helped Thomas inside, and then panicked as they heard the door creak open. "Fuuuck.." Thomas whined and quickly helped Violet inside. "Boys! What do you think you're doing! No leaving the room for tomorrow!" Mx. Mueller straightened their skirt and stared the friends down. "S-so sorry Mx. Mueller, promise it won't happen again." Purpled looked down at his feet, hands trembling. They laughed lightly and softened their gaze, "No worries, Ms. Brown said I should be a little more strict, but I just can't." They let out a sort of dramatic sigh and Thomas chuckled quietly.

"So, what'd you get up to outside?" They asked, catching the two friends by surprise. "Uh, we got earrings." Thomas showed off his incredibly beautiful black earrings, as did Violet. "That's nice! Mind telling me if you saw Foolish? Don't worry, I'm not gonna go after your friend, just wanna make sure he's okay." They smiled slightly and you could see the worry in their eyes even though they were hidden behind sunglasses. Purpled nodded, "He's just left the front yard when me and Thomas came back. I think he said he wanted to meet up with Eret, Sam and Ponk again?" that was the first time Violet had questioned his memory in a while, he normally  trusts his memory, sometimes even too much.

"Ah, okay. I'm gonna leave now, even if wanted to, I can't let you outside until dinner, so I'm gonna lock you in, if that's okay. Please don't go outside the window though, or else I'm forced to lock the window as well. We had a kid develop anxiety because they were locked in their room without being able to open the window, for a week and I don't want that happening again." they whispered the last part so that the friends didn't hear them. "Okay. We won't." Thomas stated genuinely and smiled at the caretaker. "Good, I'll see you another day! Be good!" They walked outside and locked the door before the others could answer.

"Welp, what now?" Violet jumped up on the windowsill and gazed up on the horizon. "I have an idea, wanna get mel..ancholic?" Thomas asked, having troubles pronouncing the last word. A quick few seconds later, he also jumped up on the windowsill, now sitting next to Violet. "Sure. Ask away and we'll get into it." He said, waiting for some sort of deep question, ready for almost everything. "What'd you think your life is gonna be like, when you were little?" !//TW : from here on out mentions of Abvse, negl3ct and brief mentions of d34th! Please proceed with caution until you see a message saying TW over! Stay safe please!!//!

"well, definitely not that I'd meet a delusional 14 year old who can't decide on a name." He joked and the latter laughed a little, "I'm not delusional." "You dream of being a hero." Violet gave him a side eye and nudged his arm playfully. "Well... I can't defend myself there.." Thomas grunted jokingly. "Anyways, I remember that I dreamt of studying uhh, technology, or computer science, since i was super interested in that. I think at some point I even wanted to move to Australia because.. my parents always talked about how beautiful it is there." Violet shook his head lightly as he tried to focus on what he was saying. "Oh! And I wanted to get a job in some big ass tech company." He added and chuckled as he realized that all of that is out of his reach.

"Well, I dreamt of being a super hero and work with Philza. But I think I also wanted to study psychology at some later point in my life." He sighed, looking over to Violet to see him staring at the sunset. "Yea, that's all now out of our reach, huh" Violet muttered and yawned slightly. "Yea, life really didn't want us to be happy and life like we want to." Thomas admitted and also focused on the sunset. "Mhm, I mean, maybe our life will be enjoyable in a few years when we get out of here." Violet had dreamed of that ending for so long, so he smiled a little. "Maybe." Thomas sighed, he didn't really wanna get reminded from what happened at home, but here he was, and it fully his fault. "Well, you've told me things about your past, so have I, if there's something you wanna tell me that you haven't told me, go on. Same question goes back to me."

"Well," Violet began, "You remember how I've told you that my mother was almost always unconscious, right? Because dad used to knock her out since they'd always fight? Well, my dad couldn't cook,  so I, a four year old, had to cook for him, because he hated my mom so much that he'd rather see his child getting burned while cooking, than to let her come to consciousness. That's why I have bruises all over my hands and fingers. He also used to laugh at me when I burned myself." "Oh!" he added, "My mom died by the way, because she didn't get a chance to drink for while, since dad always knocked her out before she could. Looking back at it, we had a dead body laying in our house for a month.." He shivered at the realization, but let Thomas let his story now.

"Well, when I was really young, like one year old young, my brother, I think it was Blade, went on a trip with dad for his first and last time. Wilby, my other brother, had to take care of me, and he was five. Ever wanted to know why I can't really put pressure on my left foot? Yeah he accidentally dropped me down the stairs." A small chuckle escaped Violet's mouth, before he jokingly faked a serious expression. "And we didn't go to a doctor, since he was five and barely had any contact to the outside world in his five years of life! Dad always told us to not leave the house. Of course, we had a garden, but it was surrounded by walls. Wilbur used to love to play president, he used to call our garden.. Manberg? No I think there was an 'L' somewhere.. Anyways, that's why I can't really put pressure on my left leg."

//TW OVER! What basically happened while TW : Thomas can't put pressure on his left foot, because Wilby, his brother accidentally pushed him down the stairs and they had a garden encased with walls wich Wilby loved to play president in, he called it L'manberg. Violet had to cook for his dad when he was at home wich is why he has bruises all over his hands. //

"Wow, our both home lives were really depressing huh.." Violet chuckled and looked up at Thomas. "Yea,, I would love to meet Wilby again to ask why the fuck he dropped me down the stairs." Violet chuckled a little and nodded excitingly. The friends jumped when they heard a voice from outside. "Boys! It's dinner time!" They smiled, "Coming!"

[Hello lovelies! It's my birthday tomorrow! Happy early birthday to me! Anyways, hope you have a wonderful weekend! Sorry this chapter took so long.. Love you! <3]

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