III : Bee & Boo ♡

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Thursday. Wait, no. Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday. Excuse Tommy please, he's just a little confused.

Purpled's out doing, well, something. Tommy,, didn't really listen to him when he told him where he's going today.

Anyhow, Tommy sighs and grabs his wallet, the leather bending under the slight pressure of his hand, he was scanning through the little pockets, to maybe find some pounds or something.

Minutes went by, it felt like the sun was already going down, but it was just a cloud. And in the end, what did he find? Nothing. Not a pound. Nothing. Wow. He really is broke, huh?

Oh well. Time to go to another coffee shop to get back some money. He's only borrowing it of course, he isn't stealing. He'll give it back when he's able to. Promise. Probably.


Tommy lets out a forced sigh and wipes away the blood that emerged from his hand.

He was standing between the shelves of cornflakes and three people in black clothes that look, quite threatening. Maybe. And, oh my hero, he figured they're trying to take the money he's trying to borrow.

God, how stupid they are to try and take on TommyInnit, the greatest Vigilante on, well, the entire planet.

Tommy takes a second to think. He scratches his head, stops, mid fight may I add, and thinks. The criminals look at him, confused.

"What'you starin' at, prick?" Tommy snaps, annoyed by the other guys, apparently not knowing how to deal with his fight tactics.

"What- What are you doing?!" One of the criminals snarls, they have ocean blue eyes, so we're calling them ocean eyes.

"I'm thinkin', now let me think. I'm planning my next move, ocean eyes." Tommy spits, oh my hero man.

After a few quick seconds of extreme Tommy-thinking, he pulls out his extremely effective nerf gun and starts shooting at the criminals.


That, surprisingly, did nothing. They didn't even flinch. Well, no one flinched expect ocean eyes.


One with green eyes actually breaks down, laughing. Maybe it did do, well, something.


Maybe that nerf gun isn't so useless after all.

"Look, kingz. I'm trying to borrow some money here, and I have somewhere to be. Can you please just give me, like, a 100,- please? Just that? And then I'll be gone and I'll never speak of this again? I mean, I'll take it myself if you won't give it to me." he shrugged and quickly added "and I'll report you to the heroes too so.. Your choice." Tommy laughs lightly and holds his hand out, smugly smiling, his eyes shimmering underneath his hair.

Ocean eyes sighs defeatedly and pulls out some money out of his pocket. , "There you go.."

Tommy laughs and catches the 100,- that was just thrown at him. "Thank you a lot!! Bye bitches!" He exclaims and flies right through the hole that's in the roof, wich he may or may not have made by accident. *cough cough* anyways, Tommy's destination was now the Café his two friends worked at, wich he always goes to on,, Tuesdays.

Landing in front of it, he decides that walking inside might be a good idea and does so. Excitingly enough, it's actually his friend's shift! How amazing can a day get!

He strolls over to the counter and aggressively rings the golden bell (that you, definitely, shouldn't ring).

Soon, his friend stumbles over to the counter and breaks out in a fit of giggles as he sees Tommy leaning on the counter. "Hello Boss man! King! Thomas! Tommy! Hello! What brings you here on.. Thursday?" his friend aks, excitement and surprise running through his voice as he straightens his bee t-shirt. His jeans are full of flour.

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