VI : Unsuspecting Purpled Has To Celebrate His Birthday Now

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A very late birthday chapter cause our favorite bedwars streamer just had his birthday.
//TW : mentions of mem0ry pr0blems

"Purp! Purp! Purp!" Tommy screams into the others ear, ha! He doesn't suspect a thing! Tommy's planned an entire day for them to enjoy, and he suspects nothing! Tommy grins, a hint of playful evilness shining through his eyes. "What.. Why are you waking me up on a Saturday..." Purpled groans and rubs his eyes open. "It's yo birthday motherfucker! C'mon get up! We need to celebrate!" Tommy drags the very-not-okay-with-that Purpled out of his bed, and into the living room. "What, is happening.." Purpled sighs and let's himself fall onto their couch (sofa).

"Since I can't make breakfast, we'll go to Bee & Boo for breakfast! So you better get ready! Oh oh! Guess what! I've found our old 'hell was boring' sweaters! Isn't that cool!" Tommy shouts and hugs Purpled. "Tommy, calm down, yeah that's amazing, but calm down, I'm gonna go change and if you haven't calmed down when I come back, then, we're not leaving." Purpled yawns and grabs his sweater. Tommy sighs and gives him a reassuring smile. Maybe he's gone a it overboard with being hyped for purp's birthday. Hm. Probably yeah.

(The sweater :)

After about five minutes, Purpled came back from the bathroom

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After about five minutes, Purpled came back from the bathroom. He was wearing a dark blue ripped jeans, his sweater and his old earring. Tommy's eyes light up, "We ready to leave?" Purpled smiles and grabs the keys for the apartment. "I fucking hope so!" Tommy jumps up from their couch (sofa). Purpled rolls his eyes and unlocks their door. Both teens storm outside their apartment complex, since it's become a routine to annoy their neighbors like that. Once outside said apartment complex, Tommy scoops Purpled up and holds him bridal style. He then shoots up into the air and flies over to Bee & Boo. He runs into the Cafe, scaring all of the costumers.

"Tommy!" Tubbo shrieks and quickly apologizes to the costumers. "Tommy, you can't do that! This is still a public Cafe!" Tubbo takes Tommy by the hand and drags him over to the counter. Purpled steadily follows behind, smirk tugged on his face. That fucker. "What do you guys want..?" Tubbo smiles slightly and a chuckle escapes his mouth. "Well! Since it's Purpled's birthday, we'd both like a piece of your chocolate cake and some green tea, is that okay Purpled?" Tommy asks, now a little softer and quieter.

He had too much coke this morning.

Facts. Sadly.

Purpled nods and rolls his eyes. "Ooh! Happy Birthday Purpled!" Tubbo walks out from behind the counter and hugs Purpled. Purpled gladly hugs back and smiles. Tommy grins at his two friends, ha! It's going great so far! As the two broke apart, Tubbo walks back behind the counter and swiftly opens the door to the backrooms. "Heyo Boo, two pieces of the chocolate cake and two green tea's for Tommy and Purpled, yea?" Tommy frowns, well, that screams one more talk with Tubbo, cause normally he just shouts and doesn't say their names. Huh.

"Yea Yea! The wings guy and the color-lover, mhm! Yes, Boo, can you make the things now please? We're still on said time limit, love!" Weird, this isn't how Tubbo normally talks, hm. Maybe Tommy is just over thinking it and Tubbo will tell them in a second anyway. "Memory problems, am trying to help" Tubbo shrugs and Tommy nods. "Tubbo? Let's start like a club for people, who's best friend has memory problems" Purpled laughs and Tubbo chuckles slightly. Pfft, as if, I mean Tommy could see that happening, but,, eh..

||| After a few minutes of chatting with Tubbo, Ranboo was finally finished with their tea and cake, so they sit down and eat in silence. After eating, Tommy paid for their meal and they both left. Not without hugging Ranboo of course. |||

"Okay! Now off we go to the cinema, yes?" Tommy smiles, as they fly through the cool autumn air. "Yeah, sure. What are we watching?" Purpled sighs, and clings onto Tommy's hand, because even after knowing each other for 13 years, this is scary as fuck and Purpled doesn't trust Tommy with having his life in his hands at all. "Were watching 'Hero's life 2' or 'Two Time'! You can decide!" Tommy exclaimed as they took a sharp turn to fly towards the cinema.

"Eh, we've already seen 'Hero's life 2', remember? When it came out and you were too hyped to wait till it came out in the cinemas?" Purpled laughs and looks up at Tommy. Toms shrugs, "Whatever you say!" he smiles and lands in front of the cinema. They both walk in and get their cards. "Pretty sure these are our seats, Tommy!" Purpled calls out for his friend and pats the two seats. "Okay!" Tommy runs up to the seats and let's himself fall into his. Purpled chuckles at his unnatural behavior and sits down too.

||| After the movie |||

They both exit the cinema in pure shook. "How?! Why did Mark die?! How did Mark die??" Purpled questions god. Give him an answer god >:(. To be honest, Tommy was also very shocked, but in contrary to Purpled, he was shocked about everything that happened in this hell of a movie. "Well... I suggest we go home, I have one last present for you..!" Tommy's voice sounds distracted, because he is, his mind is racing 100km/h right now. Purpled shakes his head, clearing his mind a little, and nods. Tommy smiles and they fly back home.

||| At home (sorry for the time skips, I just don't think them flying would be interesting to read <3) |||

Once they are at the entrance of their apartment complex, they both run up to their apartment, only to bump into the one and only Philza. Fuck. Embarrassing..- "Easy there, mates!" He chuckles, oh god how embarrassing- "It's your birthday today, right Purpled?" Philza asks and Purpled nods. "I'm eighteen now!" He says, sounding somewhat scared and somewhat excited at the same time. "Ah! Good. You're legally allowed to live here now! Just wanted to make sure that I was right about that." Philza smiles and spreads his wings. "Well then, until we meet again! Farewell." He does a little bow and then flies out of one of the conveniently opened windows. Huh. What a strange yet absolutely wonderful man.

Once both friends are inside, Tommy runs to his room to grab his suprise for Purpled. "Wonder what he's god for me." Purpled thinks out loud. After about two minutes, Tommy comes running back. He hands Purpled his present "It's a crystal." Tommy smiles slightly. Purpled hums and holds it up in the light to get a better look at it. It's purple, and has a rather weird shape. But then, just as he was gonna put it away, he sees something inside the crystal. It's a tiny golden heart.

[a/n : Hello lovelies! Sorry, no Halloween chapter for ya'll, but rather a birthday chapter! Hope it didn't come out too random ':) anyways, don't expect a Halloween chapter next or anything, because I don't usually celebrate it ':) sorry champs, have a great day/night!!]

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