II : Hair Die ♡

869 36 12

TW : cry1ng

"Hey Tommy wake up!! You aren't gonna believe what happened!!!" Purpled cheers, at 6 in the morning.

What The Shit. Why in the fuck is he waking me up?! Tommy let's out an annoyed groan and blinks his eyes open.

"AAAAA WHAT THE SHIT???!" Tommy shrieks and jumps into a sitting position.


"Oops, sorry Tommy" Purpled let's out a quiet chuckle and rubs the back of his neck apologetically.

"SORRY?! YOU SCARED THE BLOODY HELL OUTTA ME!!" Tommy exclaims, backs away from Purpled and presses his back against the wall.

"My bad.." Purpled didn't seem to mean it at all, "But Tommy! Guess what!"

It must be something big cause Purpled's hyping it up so much.

"What?!" Tommy snarls, oops, that came out harsher than he wanted it to.

"You were in the news! The news! The daily news! They got an interview with Mask and he mentioned you!!" Purpled didn't seem to mind and finally told him the big news.

Wait what.

What. The. Bloody. Hell.

Tommy stares at Purpled,
he was in the news?

"Oh and I got some cool hair dye for us" He shrugs, as if he didn't just drop that bombshell on Tommy.

Is this an attempt at calming me down? Cause it's not working.

"MASK TALKED ABOUT ME?" He yelled in response, Tommy was shooketh.

He's gonna get recognized now. This is incredible! Oh my dear god! He supposes the hair dye is also cool.

"Isn't that incredible??" Purpled smiles.

Tommy couldn't hold back the excitement and grinned back at Purpled.

"I got you red, and I got purple. I also got strawberry blonde because why not. I'll put my phone here, so you can re-watch the interview while I do your red strands." Purpled speaks and starts to to do the hair dye stuff behind the other.

Tommy nods vaguely, Purpled is always so organized. It's weird and cool at the same time. Sometimes it's scary even.

So, Purpled begins to put some Aluminum foils around the strands that are getting dyed.

It's loud as fuck by the way.

"I'll get myself strawberry blond and my purple Strand later." Purpled leans forward to look at Tommy and smiles.

Tommy nods, he likes the idea, strawberry blond Purpled. It seems about right. Oh well. Time to watch the interview.

"So, Mask, who is this mysterious Vigilante you met to other day?" The interviewer asks.

"He told me his name was Tommy. Seems to be a completely normal teen, if you ignore his angel like wings." Mask responds and Tommy quivers with excitement making Purpled sigh.

"Wow, so, what do you want the community to do when they happen to see him?"

"Uhm, if you see a hero nearby shout their name, if no one's there to help you, try to reason with him. Don't provoke him."

"Well depends, Tommy. Do you wanna watch the movie or stargaze?" Purpled asks, their hair now fully dyed.

Oh no. Tommy's one weakness. His indecisiveness.

Tommy looks down at his feet.

On one hand, he could stargaze and talk about his problems.

On the other hand, he could get popcorn and watch a movie to ignore his problems.

Purpled sighs and smiles lightly, "I'll grab the camping chairs and you get the cokes?"

geez, okay, if he really wants to..

Loud sobs flooded the air, the source of the sobs you may ask? Hm, I don't know. Tommy, probably.

"Shh, Shh" Purpled's voice was soothing, it always has been. Since the day they met in that stupid orphanage, to running away together, to sitting here, right in this moment, on the rooftop of this house.

Ever wondered why they call themselves the golden boys? Well, in said orphanage, they were the only people with a golden room number. All the other ones were silver. They felt special back then.

Hm, simpler times.

Oh well, back to the present.

Tommy's sobs fill the air, waking up multiple people. Probably.

Purpled sits next to him and sighs, "Tommy.." He whispers. Purpled isn't hugging him. Purpled learned to not hug a crying Tommy when he doesn't want to the hard way.

*cough cough* the scar on his hand *cough cough*

Anyways, the reason Tommy's sobbing shall not be spoken about.

Purpled's also on the verge of tears, but as always, he's a strong guy, he rarely cries at all.

Tommy sighs and his sobbing calms down a little.

He looks over at purpled, who's staring at the horizon, but immediately looks over at Tommy as he feels Tommy's eyes on him.

Purpled gives Tommy a small smile.

They decided to sit on a blanket by the way, the camping chairs are full of spiders and that's a tomorrow problem.

Tommy smiles back at Purpled who understands what Tommy wants him to do. Tell a funny story from their past. Somehow, Purpled always has new ones, but maybe that's just because Tommy has slight amnesia.

"D'you remember when we bought this apartment? The guy who we gave the money? How he repeatedly asked us if we really want to buy this apartment because he thought it was shit? He even gave us his number if we ever want our money back or when we're moving out someday we also get the money back? I think his name was p'kack or something like that." Purpled starts and chuckles slightly, the other's tears slowly drying.

"You mean Jack??" Tommy nudges Purpled's arm lightly and laughs.

"Yea, right, Jack, how- p'kack.. Wow.. Seems like my memory is getting worse and yours is getting better.."

Tommy rolls his eyes, such a jokester Purpled is.

"Oh well, anyways, we called him one day, to just ask how he's doing and when he picked up and heard your voice, he was immediately like 'Ohmygod are you finally moving out of that shit apartment?? Do you want your money back??' it was so funny, or at least you told me that." Purpled fiddles with the blanket and smiles as he told the story.

Hm. Yeah. Tommy remembers that. That was really funny.

Tommy laughs lightly and shifts his focus onto the stars and all the different windows of the houses and the shadows on the ground from people walking by, and the heroes on the rooftops of the other houses, it looked like a dream.

This whole thing is so surreal to Tommy, and yet, he knows it's real.

Purpled feels the same, living with a person who has wings and acts like a Vigilante is immense.

Well, Tommy sighs heavily and smiles, at least they're doing somewhat okay right now.

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