XI : Just Killed The Family Dynamic, Feeling Good! (END)

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"Hello?" "Yes, hi Wil, it's me, Toms. Can we crash at yours today? We got thrown out of our apartment." silence, only screams in the back. "Father?! Can-... A friend of mine sleep over today??" Tommy shrugs, apparently he's now a friend of Wilbur's. "Okay! Thank you! Yes of course!" Tommy's face lights up, as does Purpled's because Wil is on speakers. "Yea sure, the adress is *********!" "Thank you so so much, Wilbur.." "No worries, I feel like you'd do the same." silence. No. Tommy wouldn't.

Once at the door of their house, Tommy hesitates, but then opens the door swiftly and wanders inside. Ah, and if his luck couldn't get worse, his father looks straight at him. Shit. "Toms..?" Nono, this can't be happening. Purpled stands behind him and cowers, not surprising. "Yea. Hello Samuel. Wilbur said he'd let me and my friend over there crash at his place, so.." his fath-.. Samuel's eyes darken. "Toms! Where have you been!?" Wh-.. Wait, he doesn't know about the orphanage thing?? "At an orphanage." Tommy states, his voice was bland, lacking of any sort of emotion.

And now, the family is sitting on their couch/sofa, like it's some sort of gathering (it's not). Techno taking off his cowboy shoes, Wilbur running his hand through his hair, Purpled awkwardly sitting besides Tommy, Samuel getting ready for a speech and Tommy awkwardly sitting besides Purpled. "Wilbur, Techno, what the hell were you thinking sending Toms to that orphanage?!" he begins, his voice's harsh and roars through their ears even moments later. "I-" Wilbur begins, but Techno cuts him off "We thought it'd be a good idea, and we were right. I stand by that." silently, he adds "well, I dunno if Wil still stands by that." silence. For a few seconds, nobody says a word. "Y-yeah, we thought he'd have a better life without us, because you always went away!" Wilbur shouts, sounding unsure of himself and occasionally glancing over at Purpled.

A fight breaks out. Tommy shivers while hugging himself, standing in front of the front door, holding back Purpled from occasionally saying slurs. "AND SO WHAT! TOMMY HAS A BETTER LIFE WITHOUT YOU, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!" Wilbur's voice roared through the halls, most likely getting the attention from multiple people outside. Samuel screams back. Slowly, along side of the argument, Techno gets their attire on and now stands behind Wilbur, backing him up. "NO YOU MORON, THAT'S NO EXCUSE FOR LEAVING YOUR CHILDREN!!!" Techno sighs, he's getting visibly annoyed. "I WAS NOT OLD ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF TOMMY! NEITHER WAS TECHNO YOU STUPID FUCK!"

Tommy huffs, maybe it'll be over soon. Techno looks his way. He has something in his hands, he holds it like it's gonna run away if he doesn't fucking suffocate it. Before Tommy knew, Techno's standing in front of him. "Here." He gives him a a little keychain. It's a record, a purple-white one. He smiles up at his older brother, who states "Never forget me alright? I'm sorry you couldn't stay the night here." Techno smiles lovingly, and then turns to his father and Wilbur. "FUCK YOU GUYS, I'M NEVER COMING BACK" then he rushes out the door, not looking back once.

"SEE? THAT'S ALL YOUR FAULT DAD!" Wilbur yells, his voice now in pain. Samuel stutters, not knowing a single answer. Wilbur storms to Tommy. He hands him another keychain. This time, a little green record. He smiles softly at his younger brother, then dashes out, going after Techno. All you can see, was an angel (Wilbur and his wings) flying after someone with a cape (Techno and his kings cape) who dashes along the roofs of a lot of houses. "Your fault.." Samuel mutters and Tommy hushes Purpled outside the door.

"That's didn't.." Purpled chuckles, "No, that went catastrophic, Purpled." Tommy finishes his sentence. "Off to Bee and Boo we go?" Tommy nods. On their way there, occasional screams and shouts are being able to be heard from civilians, probably screaming about Tech and Wilby. Heh. Well, there they are. Bee & Boo. They should still be open. And they are! "Hi Tubbo. Hi Ranboob." Tommy sighs, his voice low and his charismatic energy wasn't around anymore. "Hello Tommy! Hello Purpled!" Tubbo smiles, excited to see them, yet worried. "What's up?" Ranboo asks the friends, as, well, this really isn't a time they normally come here. "Got evicted, destroyed the family and now we wanted to ask if we could crash at yours maybe?" Tubbo's eyes widen, and Ranboo's face darkens. "I'm so sorry, but our apartments are both tiny and we have no room for you." Ranboo explains in a rather sad tone.

Next thing you know, both are standing outside, bidding adieu to Bee & Boo. "We'll see you again, okay? Promise." Tommy smiles at Tubbo, who was reluctant to letting them just go. "I never break promises." Tommy muffles, while hugging Tubbo, who's at least a foot smaller than him. They then rotate and Tommy's now hugging Ranboo. Who is at least a few inches taller than him. They then start walking, somewhere. Sometime, they'll feel at home." I wanna go somewhere where nobody knows my name!!" Tommy screams into the night. Purpled smiles, and takes Tommy's hand. "Somewhere where nobody knows our names." They both smile lovingly at each other.

"Together?" Tommy holds up his fist.
"Always Forever." Purpled smiles softly and holds up his fist to Tommy's. They then start walking. Wandering to wherever they want to.

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