Imagine for shygirl1654

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It was Monday and you were walking into school and walking to your locker when Ellen and felix your best friends walk on wait her side if you "hey daisy" says Ellen "y-yeah he-hey daisy" felix says looking down "hey guys" you say smiling, you get to your locker and open it putting your stuff in "so I was thinking we could pull a prank on the teacher today" says Ellen as you close your locker door "yeah let's do it" and at that moment the bell rang "cya" says Ellen "bye" you say and start to walk to your class "bye felix" you say over your shoulder and you hear him whisper "bye love". It was third break and you were with felix waiting for Ellen in your secret place "daisy" felix says you look up from your phone and look at him "yes?" You ask "I-I like you" he says scratching the back of his head "we'll nah duh that's why we're friends" you say looking back t your phone "no I mean mo-more than friends, daisy I want you to be my girlfriend" he says blushing and scratching the back Of his neck you look at him and place your phone on the ground "listen I know you don't feel the same but I just had to say something" he says getting up "felix" you say getting up and grabbing his hand he turns and looks at you "I like you too I have for a while" you say smiling he smiles back and kisses you in the lips just as the bell goes he says bye and rushes to get home you start walking home when you see Ellen "oh hey ellen" you say waving and smiling "shut up" she says you look at her confused when she thrown a punch and hits your face making your nose bleed "what the hell Ellen" you scream grabbing your nose as you fall the ground "you know he's mine" she says kicking your face you groan in pain and she kicked your sides "he'll see your nothing daisy and he'll leave your for me" she says still kicking you your vision gets blury and befor you black out you see Sam and jake and andy pulling Ellen back and felix yelling at her. you wake up in your room laying on your bed, you sit up to see felix,andy,jake,saskia and Sam sitting around your bed "hey" jake says waving you smile and wave back "looks like she woke up from her beauty rest" Sam says and you all laugh you look at felix and see him looking at you "we'll see you guys tomorrow cya daisy and felix" says andy "bye girl" says saskia you smile and high fiver her saying "cya guys" there gone when you hear the front door close "come with me I wanna show you something" felix says grabbing your hand and tacking you out the back you gasp when you see the garden cover in fairy lights and a picnic set up and you turn to him and smile when you see him with a bunch of roses you walk up to him and smile taking them and giving him a kiss you hear music in the background and place the flowers down and grab his hand in one of yours and one in his shoulder and he places one in your hand and the other on your waist, you smile and sway to the music "I love you" felix says "I love you too" you say.

There you go I hope you liked it and I will do the other two later or tomorrow :)

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