Hotel (Sam)

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You and Sam were on your holiday in New York you were currently booking a hotel "here you go ma'me, enjoy your night" the lady says "thank you" you say smiling and taking your boyfriends hand walking to the elevator you smile as it goes up to level 8 the highest level you smile as you and Sam try to find room 678 "race you, first one to find it wins" Sam say smiling you smirk "your on" "on the count if 3" Sam say "one" he starts "two" he gets ready "three" you say running leaving him to shake his head and laugh chasing after you, you on the other hand had a head start and were already up to room 676 two more doors down and you touched te door looking back to see Sam ha given up and was walking laughing "ha sucker I won" you say sticking your toung out as him laughing and catching your breath he stops I front of you and looks at you "are you gonna open the door or stand there looking like and idiot" you say sassily he laughs a gorgeous laugh that you fell hard for you smile and kiss his cheek as the door opens you both look in to see the Fuentes room you walk In and go to find the bedroom walking past the lounge and kitchen you come to the bedroom and open the door you gasp when you see the giant bed "Sam" you yell laughing and getting an idea he walks in to see you near the bed in your gorgeous dress "were going to have some fun" you say smirking and taking him by his tie and dragging him carefully towards the bed you get up on it and look at him to see his confused face "what are you doing?" He says "jumping on the bed duh" you say laughing and bouncing up and down he shakes his head and laughed at you taking his shows and tux jacket off and getting in the bed with you bouncing up and down with you you laugh harder when he falls down and takes you down with him you laugh and get up grabbing two pillows and throwing or at him he looks at you shocked you just grin and laugh he gets up and grabs the pillow and hits you with it you look at him shocked and hit him back this goes on until you have feathers flying all over the place and your both laying on the bed catching your breath you laugh and say "I've always wanted to do that with someone I love" you say raising yourself on too of him and placing your head on his chest he laughs and says "I've always wanted to do it to but like in our wedding day and I always wanted that girl to be you" he says "oh BELIVE me we will be doing this on our wedding day" you say sassily laughing he kisses your head and pulls the blanket over both you and sings to you until you both drift off into sleep.

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