Jake imagine

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It was a Monday afternoon and you and jake had been playing pranks on each other all day it was now 3:15 and school was about to finish witch means jake will have his football practice witch means you will be able to play a little prank on jake with some itching powder. you smiled and quickly snuck out of class early and made your way to jakes locker "this should be fun" you whisper to yourself and open his bag and pour the itching powder in all over his footy gear you had spare clothes for him in your bag so if anything happened he'd have Somthing to wear if somthing happend you lean against the locker waiting for him when you see him run to you he opens his locker and grabs his bag "are you gonna stay for practice?" "wouldn't miss it" you reply grinning he smiles and grabs your hand and leads you to the oval you see Mia as you get there with Sam in his forty gear "I'm gonna go see Mia and Sam" you say looking at jake he nods and gives you a kiss and walk off to the changing room "hey guys" you say as you sit next to Mia on the ground "hey dude" Sam says " hey girl" Mia says "have you got jake back for the water ballon thing?" Sam asks you shake your head "not yet but it will happen" you reply hearing coach blow the whistle Sam gets up and runs over to jake you smirk and look at Mia Mia looks at you "what have you done?" Mia ask you shrug "oh I just put some itching powder in his clothes nothing major" you say she shakes her head and laughs "we'll I hope you got spare clothes for him because he doesn't she aays "yeah I got some for him" you say as you both start talking about the sleepover.
"Arghh why am I so itchy" you hear after 30mins you grin at Mia and turn to see jake taking his top and shorts off leaving him in his boxers you stand up and take a pic jake sees and runs towards you you take your shoes off and run the opposite way laughing "y/n" jake yells laughing and running after you he finally catches you just as you make it to the bench where Mia is sitting jake wraps his arms around you and sighs "eww get off me you got no clothes on" you laugh escaping his grip "yeah we'll if someone disintegrated put itching powder in my clothes I might no be practically naked" he says smiling and shaking his head "yeah we'll if someone hadn't been pranking me the whole day this wouldn't of happened" you reply sarcastically grabbing the clothes out of your bag and chucking them at him and sitting next to Mia and start talking while jake goes and changes. you sigh "I should be heading home now I'll cya tomorrow Mia bye Sam" you say walking off, your half way home when you hear jake calling your name "y/n" he yells,you turn to see him running to you with a bunch of roses and a card you turn to walk again not wanting to deal with anything else today, when he turns you around "your mad at me aren't you?" He asks you roll your eyes "a little" you reply looking down and fixing your bag strap when you look up you see jake on one knee with a ring and the roses and card you saw before, your eyes widen as he starts talking "y/n I know where only 17 but it's never to early or late to do this so I'm doing it now-" he takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes "y/n we've been together for 3 years and can I just say there been the best three years I my life and I like to spend more time with you he'll is like to have a family with you and I don't care what people say as I know your my one and only no matter what so would you do the houners of becoming mrs riles?" You gasp years running down your cheeks one Han in his as the other goes to while the tears, you giggle and nod jake gets up and picks you up kissing your cheeks and nose and lips, he places you back down and slides the ring on you grin at him and kiss him when you hear people clapping you look around and see the whole neighbourhood including your parent and jakes clapping for you and crying you see Ellen,felix,andy,mia and Sam racing to you the guys hugging jake and the girls hugging you "congrats" Mia and Ellen yell jumping with you, you laugh and high them the guys walk up to you hugging you "congrats" the all say hugging you in a big group hug, "congrats baby, were very proud" you hear your parents say you high them "he's a good choice to say yes to I'm proud for you baby girl" you father says hugging you and walking over to jake, jakes mother Sarah walks up to you hugging you "I'm so glad he chose you, you make him happy and I love that I love you and I'm glade your marrying my son" she says squeezing you tight you smile and wave and thank everyone fibbing them hugs someone taps you on the shoulder you turn around and see jake grinning at you he places his hands in yours and kisses you.

Hey guys hope you like this one :)

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