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Chapter 17: Rising Sun

WITH THEIR TWO days off after the sports festival, Kasai and Shoto were ready for their return to school. The girl still had pain in her arms, but she's managed to deal with it, though the aches and hurting weren't as stinging as when she got them. Plus, she had her brother to help her with the pain. If her scars irritated her too much, he simply used his ice quirk to cool and numb them down.

Their meeting with their mother went surprisingly well. Kasai apologized to the woman for her rude behavior and outburst during their last interaction. Telling her soft natured mother that she was right all along, that she didn't need her father's approval to be a hero. Rei didn't blame her, the mother simply embraced her daughter in a gentle hug. The hug itself wasn't special or anything, it was short, but in that brief moment Kasai felt accepted. Acknowledged.

The sister also watched as her brother and mother interacted. The woman apologizing to Shoto for hurting him. She apologized to both of them, for being a bad mother in their childhood. For neglecting Kasai of any affection and for burning Shoto.

All in all, they mended their relationship, rebuilding the bond of mother and child. It's not forgotten of the past, or at all perfect, but it was the start to something better.

So, on their day back to school, Kasai finishes her morning routine as usual, a bit more slowly due to her arms, but nonetheless. Slipping on a pair of red high top sneakers since her old ones are worn out, and tying them with a certain difficulty, she races out the front door. However, rather than continuing her walk, she stops and patiently waits for her brother. So they can go to school together.

With the sun in the sky, Kasai closes her eyes and lets the warmth embrace her, allowing the rays of light to kiss her paled skin. She always did like the mornings where the rising sun can engulf her with gentle heat. It felt like a hug, even though she hardly expiriences the said action. The only person so far to hug her is her mother, but that was the day before yesterday. Her hugs often came from Touya, but he's been gone for years.

She misses him.

The door opening behind her, jostles her from her dazed dream state. Opening her eyes, she turns to her brother.

"Ready, Sai-chan," Shoto asks as he walks up besides her.

"Yeah, just waiting for you Sho-kun. Who knew you were such a slow poke," she teases with a smirk.

"I didn't want to get up," the dual haired boy simply states.

Kasai nods, knowing that her brother enjoyed sleeping. "You can take a nap on the train, I'll wake you up," she tells him.

Shoto nods, giving her a soft smile.

With that they were off towards the train station. Kasai had one earbud on, quietly listening to music as they walk whilst Shoto looked through his phone. The walk was quiet, but they were comfortable in each other's presence. No more animosity, or one sided anger. Just peaceful silence.

Though, it was interrupted when the soft sunny and cloud covered sky darkened before sprouting rain. The girl clicked her tongue in clear distaste at the weather change before taking her brother's wrist and running. Good thing the train station wasn't far, but she still had the discomfort of getting wet.

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